The rejection of God's Word by anyone, declares his or her unwillingness to receive Salvation, and the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. This refusal, even when ministered to, is an act of one's submission in the flesh, to the deceptive ways of the devil, allowed to place humanity in the position of condemnation before God who Saves; pride keeps a great separation between man and God.
Therefore, we should humbly remain attentive to meditating on the Word of God and affirm it daily, that there may be no room for the influence of the devil in our lives; even so, we are always standing firm on the Rock, armed with the Shield of Faith soaked by washing in the Word, the Sword of the Spirit, and strengthened by the Truth exposed by God's Word, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, in order to overcome every deception causing the rejection of Jesus Christ, in the hearts of men.
PRAYER: Thank you Dear LORD, our Eternal Father, for the grace given us, to receive your Word, Jesus Christ, as the Author and Finisher of our Faith, who strengthens us through the Holy Spirit, that despite every manipulation, we may remain Overcomers, in Jesus' mighty name,


To all who are sent to declare the Gospel of Salvation, yet are being rejected by those whom you have come to, even though they need to be saved, you should not persist beyond your Divine assignment; rather, you should place them before God in prayer, and keep an indication of your ministration, as a witness and testimony of your presence, rendering your service to God and not just to men, even as you declare to them Christ's Kingdom reign approaching. Though Salvation is necessary, yet it's a personal decision to receive it by faith or not, because it's never given by force.
So, do all you need to do with Peace, in obedience to the will of God, and always endeavor to remain within the statutes of Jesus Christ, while advancing His Kingdom, that you may remain worthy as a faithful Minister and a true ambassador before God.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for making us Ministers of the gospel, and vessels of your Divine will, assigned as messengers of your Kingdom, even as we are blessed with the Spirit of discernment, and graced with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to live in your statutes, in order to fulfill our purpose in life, in Jesus' holy name,


The Divine manifestation of God's presence, seen through His marvelous and miraculous works done in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, and Blessed Redeemer, by the Holy Spirit living through we, vessels of His Divine will, is the revelation of His Kingdom reign approaching, even over the Earth. With this, through faith in Christ Jesus, we have the grace to heal the sick, and declare the Kingdom of Christ's rule to all whom we are ministering to; though earthen and weak, we are consecrated temples of God's Spirit, because of allowing His Divine presence first place in our lives.
Also, redemption that is in Christ Jesus, makes many justified freely by faith, and favored to see the Light, which reveals the Way of Truth and righteousness leading to Salvation - union with God's Son; for, this gives them a Divine opportunity to repent from an old mindset, that they may become in rightstanding with God, walking in the realm of the anointed King. Those who endure, are to be crowned with life, and white garments will cover their souls, as Jesus has paid for access to healing leaves from the Tree of Life.
PRAYER:Thank you LORD, Jehovah, for the grace given to us, to declare your Kingdom reign, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to heal physical and spiritual sickness, as we help relieve others, to the glory of Christ Jesus,


Being evangelical Ministers, sent out to diverse peoples and places to proclaim Christ, freely declaring the Gospel to everyone, we should always accept hospitality that is not against the teachings of Christ, and avoid rejecting nutritional diets brought before us, for the sake of showing the reception of Love and for fellowship, while doing the Father's will with Faith, even as we spread the Goodnews of Salvation in Christ Jesus, here.
We should also avoid frequently changing our location if welcomed. It is tedious moving from house to house for comfort, yet we should endeavor to remain in a specific home where we have first been received peacefully, as messengers of the Gospel; going out to share the Goodnews of Salvation, and returning for night rest, until we are through with the purpose for which we were sent.
Moreover, complaining, discrediting or moving from one accommodation to another, just for apparent fleshly ease, may cause delays, distractions, or obstructions towards achieving the purpose for which you have been sent to your current region, as a Minister of the Gospel. So rather, let's remain thankful and focused on the Divine assignment of the Salvation of souls, which brings rejoicing in Heaven! Our Holy Heavenly Father can then reward us for faithfulness as we continue in His Vineyard, each day.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making us vessels of glorious works and hospitality, favored with great Comfort, and assigned to seek for lost souls, in order to advance your Kingdom; for, this is our purpose in life as Ministers, and brethren, in Christ Jesus,


As ambassadors of Christ, we need to always remain peaceful, declaring it with love to all, even as we proclaim the Goodnews of Salvation in Christ Jesus; for, He is the Prince of Peace, and the Gospel which we proclaim in His name, is for the restoration of peace in the hearts of men; giving them hope of eternity in God's Kingdom, refreshing their souls with the Word of God, that their spirit may remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, for the Salvation of their souls.
This has made us God's own children, and brethren with Christ; for, "blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called Children of God."
Moreover, if you are not received or welcomed by those whom you are to declare the Truth to, don't be discouraged, for the blessings and peace of the LORD, which the Word of God brings, will rest upon you. Yet, those who welcome you, receiving the gospel which you proclaim, will surely be saved, and the peace of the LORD, which surpasses all understanding, will definitely abide with them, giving them hope of eternity with Christ, in God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we praise you for giving us the grace to declare peace, even as we proclaim the gospel of Christ to all in love, that all who welcome us, from the depths of their hearts, recieving the Goodnews that we bring, may also receive peace, even as they are blessed with eternal life in Christ Jesus,


The urgency and determination to reach more souls for their Salvation, and make them prepared for Christ's coming, has to be met through our proclamation of the Good News. This makes most Ministers and faithful servants of God, always avoid unnecessary distractions, in order to concentrate more on fulfilling their Calling, because, the end is near and the harvest is great; we have to be making the most of time, that more souls may be redeemed, for God's glory.
So, always be determined, and never allow your needs or apparent lack of basic necessities, stop you from fulfilling your purpose in life as a chosen vessel of God; yet, remember that, "where there is a will, there is a way" and the LORD will surely meet us, His faithful ones, at the point of our needs, for His glory in Christ Jesus!
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for granting us the grace to be among the Elect, chosen to advance your Kingdom, and blessed with the zeal to work to the end, having being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus,


As Christians and labourers in God's Vineyard, we need to encourage the spirit of evangelism among ourselves, even as we continue to pray for more labourers to be hurled into the LORD'S Vineyard, for the end is near, the harvest is great, and we need vessels who are willing to carry the Cross in the fields, devoted only to advance God's Kingdom, by harvesting grains worthy of the barns of Heaven, that souls may be gained, refreshed and united to the body of Christ, as Brethren with Him before the presence of God.
Also we need not to relent in seeking for lost souls, because, for this reason we are called, chosen, and given the Great Commission to make more disciples from all nations, even as we bring the knowledge of Salvation to their doorsteps, that we may supply great yields of harvest from the fields, to the Lord of the harvest, Christ Himself, as faithful labourers in His Vineyard.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for granting us the grace of being labourers in your Vineyard, chosen to harvest more souls for your glory, that they may become co-labourers for the great harvesting of souls in Jesus' name,


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...