Being born-again Children of God, we need not worry about what we would eat or drink any more than the birds who live in fruit trees, for both our physical and spiritual needs will surely be met in every season, without fail, because our God is The Great Provider, who never ceases to meet His own at the point of their needs, providing our heart's desires in great abundance, that we may never lack, yet have enough to share, in love with others. Because of the Lamb of God, we are of great value to our Heavenly Father, who will never allow us to go hungry nor thirst of that which we deserve as Heirs of His Kingdom, so we need not to worry nor be disturbed about our basic physical and spiritual needs; rather, as we keep holding on to our faith in Christ Jesus, whatever we need or ask in His name will surely be granted unto us, in due time.
Furthermore, our position as Heirs of God, and brethren with Christ Jesus, has given us direct access to the Father, being highly favored by Him, that we may give out to nations but not borrow, and also have enough compassion to share with the needy whom we discern are receptive, even as we have gratefully accepted the Grace to help others with their spiritual needs.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus; for, you've made us lack nothing, yet you always provide for all that we need, to meet our basic and spiritual needs, and to help others with theirs too, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:24


You need not worry about your present circumstance, challenges and struggles in life, as a child of God, such as what you will eat, wear and possess, for one's life is valuable and precious to the LORD, who gave His firstborn Son for us; He will never again allow His own to suffer shame, disgrace, nor die of hunger. No matter what desert you are going through in life today, be hopeful, have faith in God, and He will surely turn your life around for your good, restoring all your lost glory, by making a way where there seems to be no way, and providing like nothing else, for all your spiritual needs, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, let's hold fast to our faith in Christ Jesus, giving no room for doubt, fear and thoughts of backsliding, standing firm on the cornerstone once rejected; for the LORD is our God, and He has made the Heavens and the Earth, by His great power and outstretched arm, and there is nothing too hard for Him to do,  because He is the Way-maker, and miracle-working God whose Love never fails, yet establishes every one of His words, in due time.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for granting us eternal peace and hope, as Sons and Daughters of God, bringing us to the realization that life in Christ Jesus is more important than earthly treasures, and you're Faithful to meet us at the point of our needs, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:22-23


We all should continue laying up our treasures for God, towards eternity in His Heavenly Kingdom above, and not only to aquire worldly possessions, which can distract one's attention from his Divine Calling. By him choosing to be obsessed with accumulating and possessive over his acquired possessions and position, thereby one is forsaking his Divine purpose, which is to live in the righteousness of Christ Jesus, fulfilling the will of the Father in love and compassionate deeds for others, in order to advance His Kingdom by bearing fruits for His glory. This makes many who gather treasures for themselves to be spiritually poor and too weak to continue wrestling for the Salvation of souls, and because of focusing on what is seen, sometimes one loses track of their Calling as a vessel of God. 
Therefore, let's endeavor to live a life of self-sacrifice, by living the life of Christ and remaining dedicated to fulfill the Father's will as brethren with Christ, striving always to gather treasures in Heaven, and not on Earth, for, "what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives, through your Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which has made us realize the truth; that laying up treasures on Earth profits nothing, yet as we sacrifice all for the sake of Salvation in Christ Jesus, we will receive eternal rewards in the comfort of God's Kingdom, in Your mighty name; Amen. 

From Luke 12:16-21


Be content; satisfied with all the LORD has blessed you with, for as long as you appreciate God's love and favors shown to you, by making good use of your life, for His glory, He will continue to bless and multiply every one of your endeavors, and grace them with more opportunities to progress, being productive both spiritually and physically. So, we need not to be covetous, wanting to take that which belongs to another nor desiring their position; for, "'Godliness with contentment is great gain," because God blesses, favors and protects all who are pleased with that which He provides for them, into eternity.
Moreover, accumulation of more wealth, power and riches accommodates temptation which leads to the destructive fall of many, whereas dispersing lovingly to those in need, and receiving gratefully what is freely shared, allows for plenty of friendship and greater rewards in the life to come. For these reasons, we need to be content with the abundance we have, giving thanks to the LORD for all He has done; for, He never ceases to bless and favor all who truly appreciate Him.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, our God, we praise and glorify your name, for you always meet us at the point of our needs, providing all that we need in due time, that we may remain sustained in your grace, lacking nothing as Sons and Daughters of God, being Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:15


Always hold fast to your faith in Christ Jesus, and never get disturbed, worried or troubled when you are faced with persecution challenging your faith, for the Spirit of the LORD is upon you, and He will surely lead and direct you all the way; teaching you what to say and do, even as He gives you the the courage to proclaim the Gospel of Truth and Salvation in Christ Jesus, who is still standing as your advocate and Divine witness, to justify your Calling as God's chosen vessel, assigned to advance His Kingdom by bearing fruits for His glory, wherever placed.
Though the authorities as well as the laws of your location, city, or country, may not be favorable to you, yet Holy Spirit will teach and direct you, even as He speaks through you, leading even leaders to recognize our Commander, standing against every deceptive and manipulating force of the wicked, to defend and declare you just before all present, as the chosen vessel of God, protected from harm.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD Jesus Christ, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, our Divine advocate, who teaches and speaks through us, for the Salvation of souls, that we may remain faithful in the True Vine, advancing your Kingdom, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:11-12


Speaking ill and defaming words against anyone may be forgiven, once you come before the presence of the LORD with a repentant heart, seeking mercy and divine restoration by the grace of God. Yet anyone who deliberately or intentionally blasphemes against the works and manifestation of the Holy Spirit, saying terrible and unholy words, which give false impressions about the sanctity of the very breath of God, may never be forgiven. For, the Holy Spirit is Divine, a witness of the Father, revealed to and through the Sons and Daughters of God, as the Comforter; His glorious presence manifests as the Omnipresent and Omnipotent power of God, dwelling in us, as vessels of His Divine will.
Moreover, we all need to remain in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and never allow the fleshly influence of the antichrists, false prophets, and blasphemous teachers, to divert our souls from the Highway of Holiness walked by Christ Jesus, who gave His Spirit to walk alongside us, that we may continue to fulfill our purpose in life, as God's chosen generation, called to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation, advancing His Kingdom by bearing more fruits for His glory, through the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus, the Comforter of our souls.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the revelation of your Word, that we might not blaspheme against Him, yet enjoy the Divine comfort which He renders, in Jesus' name we pray;

From Luke 12:10


We should be proud of our Calling as Christians and not be ashamed or afraid of confessing before others, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, for He is the Blessed-Redeemer of all mankind, and all power and authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to Him. We fear the Son having to disown us. Besides, it's not always enough to simply confess verbally with our mouths, for our actions of Love, speak louder than voice.
Therefore, at every opportunity given, we need to confess Jesus Christ through our character. This is specifically to please the Father, with Faith in the Son, by living as the one sent, Christ; self-sacrificing, we love that others may see and and feel the love of God, revealed by Christ who likewise lives in us, through the Holy Spirit; the hope of glory and eternal security in God's Kingdom. By being His Bride confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, He will be pleased to declare us as accepted before God and the Angels, through the Holy Spirit, who bears witness that we are brethren with Him.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for we confess that you are our personal Savior and God; in you we trust, and by your Grace, we have the blessed assurance of eternity with the saints, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:8-9


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...