Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of all things, for His glory, appreciates all who faithfully serve Him in Truth and in the Spirit. While Jesus is preparing us a permanent place, He knows how greatly to entrust each person, having told us to receive the Word, which Our Father sent, and keep His commandments (John 14). He never fails to reward anyone who diligently serves Him, for every effort made to glorify His name, and advance His Kingdom, comes with His Divine and eternal reward - received both spiritually and physically, in measures beyond our imagination, for all to see and testify of His goodness!
So, let's endeavor to remain faithful and not deviate from the purpose of our Calling, working as to the LORD, so that there will be no loss to ourselves, yet remain deserving of His eternal reward as true ambassadors of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Dear LORD, Everlasting-Father, you never fail to reward all who faithfully serve you in Truth and in the Spirit; blessed be your Holy name. I'm highly favored to be of service in your Vineyard,

From Luke 19:17


The Salvation of the LORD, Jesus Christ, is for everyone who receives Him by Faith in One not yet fully seen. Though we were once utterly lost, as sheep in the desert, seeking vanities and pleasures of the flesh, Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, came seeking to protect us and rescue our souls from the bondage of sin and death - that we may live forever in God's Kingdom, as Heirs of the Father.
As we welcome Him into our hearts and live by faith, Christ called us to declare His Good News to all who also need the healing we can offer. So, let's not deviate from Kingdom building, as His salt to preserve others; for this is the purpose of our existence as true ambassadors of Christ on Earth.
PRAYERS: Thank you, LORD Jesus Christ, because of the ultimate sacrifice you made for the Salvation of my soul, I believe I will live eternally as a citizen of your Heavenly Kingdom; please deliver my loved ones from the bondage of sin and death, so they also will be there,

From Luke 19:9-10


The Divine presence of Christ in one's life makes for a cheerful giver, from the abundance of all with which the LORD has blessed; namely, Himself. Following Jesus means we have realized our Spiritual deficit and are willing to share with those in need - compassionately, with a benevolent, though mortal heart, expecting nothing in return from people - yet acquiring more treasures in Heaven for eternity. Now with Jesus' forgiveness, we have what it takes to make right our past wrongs, as far as it depends on us; humbly displaying a new character to those we had knowingly wronged, we can move forward listening to our "conscience."
Doing this with sincerity, from the depth of our hearts, solely to the LORD, we will surely remain Divinely rewarded, in His presence. For, all that we are doing to our fellow brethren, the less privileged, and even strangers, we are also doing to Jesus (Psalm 41:1, Matthew 25:40, Rev 3).
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank You for coming into my life! You alone fill me up to overflow with Your Grace, Power, and Glory; sustained by the Holy Spirit, even as I continuously share in love from the abundance of Your great provisions in my life, please be with me on the narrow path, as it's in my heart to turn from evil and promptly make Peace,

From Luke 19:8


Seeking the face of God, in Christ Jesus, zealous to use our hands for good, brings us closer into His presence, where we abide in Him, even as He abides in us; unified as fruitful branches in the True Vine (John 15:4). Dwelling at His hearth, shows the willingness in our hearts to receive Him. 
Our shortcomings may arise; however, since Jesus gives peace to protect our feet, by His wholeness, we overcome every distraction or hindrance standing in the way of our Christ's Calling, for the fulfillment of His Divine purpose for our lives, as His chosen generation. As we stand firm faithfully, in His Kingdom, zealous for His good service, and worshipping obediently, His Divine presence will remain forever with and in the rightly reverent; for, Our God is awesome!
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Heavenly Father - the Omnipresent God - thank You for your Divine presence in my life, through Christ Who came to live in me. May those looking purely for You, not continue physically above the crowd, but join the members of the True Church, radiating around the globe, in this harvest field of souls,

From Luke 19:3-5


We all need to remain persistent as God is, in knocking for our hearts to open, while seeking, and asking for Divine favor and breakthrough; that, by Jesus who stopped death to command believers be brought near the King of Kings, our supplications may ascend into the presence of the LORD, where the prayers of the saints are wafting, fragrant for Divine delight and intervention. Even when His Will is visualized in our hearts, by faith in Christ Jesus, trustworthy affirmations help bring it into realization for all to see and testify of the goodness of the LORD, in our lives.
Although challenges to the immediate revelation of Good News, and people everywhere praising in Truth, may arise from the likes of pride, trying to divert our attention from persistently seeking the face of Jesus above all - who has called us, while still sinners, into His light - we shouldn't allow ourselves to be discouraged into silence; for our Heavenly Father always harkens to the humble, who seek Him, persistently.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD Jesus Christ, for always being there when I call, attending to the voice of my persistent supplications, and meeting all my needs, in due time,

From Luke 18:38-43


Our God, and Heavenly Father, YHWH, is ever faithful to all who serve Him in Truth and in the Spirit. He will meet us at the point of our needs daily, even as He supplies all our needs, according to His riches in glory, in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
Though we may leave familiar places, be rejected to the outside like Jesus, and sometimes separate from our loved ones as a result of our Father's will, and our faithfulness to His Divine purpose for us, He will will surely return more back to us, at the right time; doing abundantly above that we ask or think, according to the Power that works in us (Ephesians 3). There isn't a lifestyle in this world which satisfies, and no one who compares with the Life to come, Himself. So, let's endeavor to remain steadfastly committed to our Calling in Christ Jesus, that we may be deserving of our Divine inheritance and eternal reward, as Brethren with Christ.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, my LORD, the covenant-keeping God, who never fails to reward His own, may we surrender more, to faithfully serve You, in Truth and in the Spirit;
blessed be your Holy name,

From Luke 18:29-30


Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and every one of the inhabitants who are alive therein, is the Omnipotent God, whom nothing is impossible for (Jeremiah 32:17). He sees and understands our situation; so, as we come in humility before Him, placing our supplications at the cross, with repentant hearts and faithful spirits, He who never fails, will surely meet us at the point of our needs, in due time.
Though, we may try our best as mortals, even so, no one can ever be perfect without the Son of God, Who loves us at our worst, so gave His Life, forgiving humankind in a way anyone can understand. The LORD, the Great I Am That I Am, is the perfect one, and as we place Him first, through prayers and full submission to His will, He hears us, and makes all our endeavors perfectly established, as we trust in His Grace and infinite Glory.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, I affirm: there is nothing impossible with you, and my purpose in life is established, as I lay it down, in your Holy name;

From Luke 18:27


God's Salvation, our Lord Jesus Christ is the revelation of His Love and God's Word made flesh for the Redemption of mankind, being ...