Showing posts with label Salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salvation. Show all posts


Giving room for Jesus Christ in our hearts, allowing Him to be Our strength as well as the source of life, by constantly meditating on God's Word and affirming the Truth while we endlessly proclaim His Salvation to all, makes us vessels of His Covenant Word which never fails, yet abides forever (Joshua 21:45, Isaiah 55:11). This requires our willingness to receive Christ by faith and a commitment to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, solely to uphold righteousness while, in love, we bear fruits that remain, for His advancing Kingdom (Rom. 12:1).
As chosen vessels of the LORD, called to declare the Good News of Salvation, although we might be rejected or our words seem to be taken for granted, still we mustn't relent in our Christ's calling, bringing to the knowledge of all who are willing to listen, the one we believe in; planting seeds of new life and watering others, so that everyone who harkens to the Word of the LORD and receives Him wholeheartedly in faith, will become Divinely favored and their needs be met, for God's glory (1 Cor. 3:8-9).
PRAYER: Thank You, Eternal Father and Glorious LORD, for Your presence in my life, through Your Word who abides in me, continuously strengthening my faith to live for Your glory, so that I may remain Divinely equipped to change the mindsets of men to receive Your Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,

From John 5:38


Although the body must return to the dust where it belongs, having lived for a destined time of existence on the surface of the Earth, still our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life, will surely raise all who are asleep in the grave, at the Hour of Resurrection and the Day of Judgement (Daniel 12:2). This will be fulfilled for His glory, and the Righteous who are graciously justified by faith, in obedience to the will of God, will be embodied for eternal dwelling in the New Heaven and New Earth, where they will remain alive (1 Thess. 4:16-17, 2 Peter 3:13).
Moreover, this will take place in the "twinkling of an eye" and at the sound of the Last Trumpet; all who are raised will remain incorruptible and the living will be transformed for eternal dwelling, where there are no more tears (1 Cor. 15:52, Matt. 24:31). This is our hope, in which our faith as Christians rests; destined to spend eternity in Heaven with Christ the Savior (Matt. 25:46, Acts 24:15).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal Father, for I am safe in Your Hands, having been redeemed by the precious flesh and blood of Your Son, made righteous by faith, to be gracefully united with the saints on the Hour of Resurrection, according to Your plan. Please keep me strengthened to convert more souls and disciple them while there is light in the world, that we all may be readily preserved as citizens of Your Kingdom on the last day,

From John 5:28-29


Now is the right time to share the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and reveal the knowledge of His eternal existence as the source and giver of Life, so that the spiritually dead may be restored to life as they harken to the voice of Salvation, coming to repentance out of dead-works, by believing He is Lord and receiving Him as the Savior of sinners. By this, their sinful past will be buried with Him in baptism, in the Holy Spirit, so that they may be resurrected with Christ through faith in God, who raised Him from the dead, to newness of life in God's Kingdom, for eternity (John 3:5, Rom. 6:3-6).
No longer mere mortals,
being dead to the flesh and forgiven, we are set free from condemnation, divinely restored, redeemed, and graciously favored by the LORD to dwell in His Kingdom as co-heirs with Christ, in the bosom of the Father (Col. 2:12-13).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for I'm graciously restored through Your Word, Love, and Divine forgiveness, to live eternally in Your Kingdom. Please keep me physically and spiritually motivated to continuously declare Your Word for the redemption of more souls, wherever ears are open to hear; in Your Holy Name,

From John 5:25


Obedience to God's Word, even as we constantly meditate on it, reading and listening to the Gospel of Salvation attentively, with our spiritual eyes and ears opened to acknowledge, believe, and receive Him from the depth of our hearts as the Salvation of God to our souls, keeps us redeemed and graciously endowed with the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus (John 3:16-18 & 6:47). With this, we have overcome death, being delivered from eternal separation and shame, as Heirs of the Father.
Moreover, reconsidering one's convictions about God and their own existence, is essential for all who are ready to overcome death, allowing them to live anew, presently revealing Christ, and spending eternity together in His Heavenly Kingdom above. So, let's uphold our Christ's calling, bringing souls to repentance, as we endlessly proclaim the Good News of Salvation in Love - reaching their hearts and helping change their mindsets so that many may believe and receive Christ, overcoming
sinfulness, death, and eternal condemnation as the Redeemed of the LORD.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for I am an Overcomer, Victorious in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:37). Please, strengthen me to bring souls completely to repentance, that they may live in obedience to Your Word of Life, overcoming destruction, as citizens who remain united as part of Your Kingdom, in Jesus' name;
Truly & Amen.

From John 5:24


Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth as well as the inhabitants therein, is the source of Life Himself; from God comes His Word and Son, Jesus Christ who, when declared, brings forth life - raising the dead, strengthening the weak, and restoring the broken-hearted. This is eternally possible since Christ and the Father are One, and whatever the Father does, He also does (John 5:19 & 10:30).
Furthermore, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ has been given all authority in Heaven and on Earth, and as we abide in Him and He in us, we will remain graciously endowed to raise the dead, heal the sick, and set the captives free; for He is the Resurrection and Life (Matt. 28:18, John 11:25). So, we shouldn't relent, as vessels of Divine restoration, Light, and Life, whom we are to the World, through faith in Christ Jesus, as He wills
PRAYER: In Jesus' mighty name, thank You, LORD, for Your presence in me, revealed through Your Word and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Please, keep me Divinely equipped to share the Knowledge of Your Word so that souls who are spiritually weak or dead may be strengthened and brought to Life; in Your Holy Name,

From John 5:21


The life of a true Christian and faithful Child of God, is always in harmony with the LORD, as one lives to the fulfillment of His Christ-calling, advancing God's Kingdom with genuine love, through the guidance of His Word and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which makes one forsake his own fleshly desires to pursue the will of the Father who sends the one empowered by Himself (John 5:30). As born-again Children of God, we know that apart from Him we are nothing, and we are not of this world; rather, we are only living on it as vessels of His Divine will, assigned the purpose of declaring His eternal existence to all, revealing His Love as we let go of our own understanding and trust Him with all our hearts, rightly loving others, and seeking to please our Heavenly Father wherever we go (Prov. 3:5, John 6:38 & 17:16).
Moreover, abiding in Christ, God's Word, Who is one with Him, makes us speak as he speaks and act on His Divine authority alone, being of selfless service as ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven, living to the fulfillment of His Divine will as His chosen generation and special people, commissioned to proclaim the Good News, for God's glory, to the praise of His Son (John 12:49 & 14:10-12, 1 Peter 2:9)!
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for bringing me into harmony with You, graced with the Divine authority to declare your Word and live by it. Please, keep me strengthened with Your presence conducting all existence, as I continue reaching out to souls and drawing them closer to You alone, according to Your Divine intent in Jesus' name,

From John 5:19


Having been saved by Grace through the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer, we become free to refrain from going back to sinful acts which only sever man from God, sanctified so that the Divine Grace of the LORD may abide with us for eternity (Romans 6 & 8:1). This keeps us away from the accuser of brethren - the devil, who strives day and night to bring the Sons of Men confusion and condemnation before the LORD; yet, as Christ arises on our behalf with mercy, every manipulative effort of the vessels of wickedness brings forth shame and destruction to themselves (John 8:3-11).
However, returning to obey sin, consciously or deliberately, allows the devil to attack in full force because the Holy Spirit is grieved and His vessel is made helplessly empty, giving room for all that has been rebuked - more unclean spirits to return, so one is taken captive and destroyed (Matthew 12:43-45). So, let's remain separated from iniquity, joined with Jesus from the bottom of our hearts, and we will always be blessed, dwelling in the abundance of God's Grace, Mercy, and Divine protection, forever worshipping with the Saints.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer, for Your holy presence in my life has liberated me from sin, keeping me safe from falling away to eternal condemnation, that I may stand spotless to testify of Your goodness, as the Redeemed of the LORD, living consecrated for Your service, in faith,

From John 5:14


The Glory of the LORD in the life of a faithful minister is mostly ignored by his close relations, family, and friends, who only see him as a fellow human being, having never embraced forgiveness; still, the Divine anointing of the Holy Spirit will never fail to lead him to the place of recognition, where he is received into the presence of those who are not acquainted with him, yet in need of God's redeeming Grace for their personal Salvation (Mark 6:4). One is being used as a vessel in the hands of God to reach out to all who hunger and thirst for Divine restoration, so that they may be set free from every captivity of the wicked and the bondage of sin, as they believe and receive His Word into their hearts.
Also, the Divine manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a minister's life makes even the high and mighty amongst men humbled - seeking God's intervention through His vessel, declaring His Word (John 3:2). So, as Ministers proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, we shouldn't be discouraged whenever the Word we prophecy seems to be ignored by our loved ones, or the Israelites are partially hardened, but keep praying for their Salvation in due time; for the LORD is in control, and He will surely send others to them and take us to a new place and position of Divine recognition, where His Gospel will be shared and His Spirit made manifest through us for the Salvation of souls near and far.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for bringing me to the point of honor, even as You never stop lifting me higher, from grace to grace and from glory to greater glory. Please continue to lead me to soft hearts, so that I may be equipped to reach more souls - converting and discipling them from within Your Kingdom,

From John 4:44-45


The testimony of God's Word, works, and presence in our lives is a source of evangelism that bears more fruits that remain for His Kingdom; for it changes the mindsets of men, bringing them to the realization of Truth in Christ Jesus. As we relentlessly share His Word and awesome wonders that we are experiencing as vessels of His glorious works, the curiosity of many is rekindled to seek the same, and faith is revived to receive Jesus Christ as, "the Savior of the world," even as people around us acknowledge that Believers are being sent by Him, performing signs to the glory of God in His Son (John 17:8, Mark 16: 17 & 18).
As a result of the Authority of Jesus Christ in us, of whom we glorify - declaring His Love and Salvation to all - many are being brought to humility before Him, even as they realize that we are set free from our sin and they too can be sent by Him with purpose; to reveal the Good News as ambassadors of Christ, reborn for the advancement of His Kingdom (Luke 4:32, 1 John 4:14).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for You've made me a living testimony of Your awesome wonders, having entered my life to stay. Please keep me Divinely Strengthened, physically equipped, and remaining emotionally fit to focus on Your Love, testifying to all, in Your Holy Name,

From John 4:39-42


True Christians and faithful servants of God are called and chosen to reap from the efforts of their faithful Fathers, who sowed obediently in faith, so that they may be divinely empowered by the Holy Spirit to generously advance in God's Kingdom. This is established for the growth of God's work, which the Old Testament Prophets started, and Jesus Christ, having come in the flesh, reestablished with an eternally solid foundation, upon which we convert souls, baptize, and disciple them to bear more fruit which remains.
Therefore, we should endeavor to remain faithful to the end so that we may not only come humbly to the threshing floor but be continually, Divinely rewarded as true Stewards of the manifold grace of God; then, those whom we are discipling may reap from our faithful and dedicated efforts, even as they live in the righteousness of God in Christ, increasing the Kingdom of Heaven together (1 Cor. 3:7-8, 11 & 14).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, Eternal Father, thank You for calling and anointing me as a Laborer in Your Vineyard, assigned to continue Your glorious and marvelous works, done through many before me, so that I may gracefully live to advance Your Kingdom, changing the mindsets of men today,

From John 4:38


What can be known of His Divine nature is understood through creation and made evident by God, whose glory shines more brightly than the Sun; since He deserves to be shown gratitude for life, it is time to look for opportunities to harvest ready people (Romans 1:19-21)
No matter what role one has in the life of self-sacrifice, be it faithfully sowing the seed of the Gospel in the hearts of men or reaping souls for God's Kingdom, as Laborers in His Vineyard, they should be living solely to the LORD in Christ Jesus. Yet, both the ones who nurture, discipling new converts, and those who go into the fields, seeking lost sheep to bring into the Body of Christ, as they confess Him by faith, each is Divinely rewarded by the LORD, so that all may rejoice together as co-laborers, seeing the fruits of their labor and moving from glory to glory.
Moreover, the joy of every faithful Son, ministering in Christ Jesus, is to see all whom they've converted and discipled, in the presence of God as Christ's fellow bondservants bearing fruit of purification whose purpose of growing is everlasting life in God's Kingdom (Romans 6:22, 1 Thess. 2:19 & 20).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for making me fruitful in Your service, which comes with a Divine and eternal reward from Your throne. Please keep every part of Your body actively motivated and persistently strengthened in Your Vineyard, so that we may continue converting and discipling more souls for Your Glory,

From John 4:36


The time to harvest more souls is now and not later, continuously seeking God's Kingdom above all, and making the most of the time; for, "the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few" (Col. 4:3-6, Matt. 9:37). So, let's focus more on seeking lost souls diligently, attracting them by genuinely loving one another, converting and discipling them so that they may be preserved for the LORD and equipped to serve as co-laborers in His Vineyard, advancing His Kingdom for His glory.
This is necessary, so that all who are ripe for harvest today, may not fall into the hands of the wicked one, who only seeks to devour any who could be useful to the LORD, yet remain far away from His hand, having never been taken to Him. Even then, we should endeavor to lay aside prejudice, discrimination, nationalism, and racism, solely to uphold our Christ calling, so that we may remain fruitful in His service. Casting a net to this world He created, we can leave condemnation to the end, for people who are not kept, to be cremated (Jude 1, Mat. 13:47-50).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for opening my eyes and making me useful in Your Vineyard, harvesting souls with and without season (2 Tim. 4:1-2). Please keep me strengthened with Joy, to disciple them so that they may become co-laborers in Your Vineyard, advancing Your Kingdom in Jesus' Name,

From John 4:35


Worshipping the LORD rightly requires having the True knowledge of Him, through trusting in His Word and the testimonies of His awesome wonders as revealed by the Holy Spirit, so that we may humbly serve Him, repenting from our actions according to His will, in love, from the depths of our hearts. By so doing, we gracefully receive the Salvation of the LORD in Christ Jesus, born of a virgin.
Moreover, trying to worship God in ignorance, or perhaps based more on where we have always assembled, calling it the Church, or with pride in who we are descended from, gives room for deceptive practices initiated by the kingdom of darkness as false doctrines that are against Love to God and our neighbors.
Rather, we have the opportunity to remain grafted into the Root of Jesse to live with Jesus, the firstborn from the dead and branch that bears fruit (Isa. 11:1 & 10). So, let's endeavor to constantly meditate on God's Word, living by it as Sons of Peace, and the Divine presence of the Holy Spirit will grant us the Wisdom needed to understand Elohim, so that He alone may be glorified; for, "the main thing about Your Word is that it's Truth" (Psalms 119:160).
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for the knowledge of Your Word, which gives me the right understanding of Your existence through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who abides in me as the Redeemed of the LORD, in Christ Jesus, the Savior of all peoples,

From John 4:20-22


Being thirsty for God's righteousness makes us seek and find the Truth in His Word, which surely brings eternal peace and Salvation to satisfy our souls, keeping us preserved in His Love, Grace, and Glory (Matthew 5:6). Even then, as we remain in communion with Him by meditating on His Word and through prayer, His Spirit fills us up to the fullest, so that we may remain divinely sustained as Overcomers, forever in His Kingdom (John 6:35).
Moreover, we are being gracefully revived and nourished by God's Word so that we may also share from the abundance of His Living Water, as we take the Gospel to the reach of all who are thirsty and in need of the Truth, so that they may also drink of Him with faith to live on, for "As the scripture says, ‘Streams of life-giving water will pour out from his side,’" as a vessel of God's glorious works (John 7:38).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for Your Living Water flows over my soul, and Your Spirit remains in control of me; please also give me a discerning spirit to live for Your Glory, sharing the Good News of the Fountain of Living Water wherever I AM might send, because you experienced thirst without relief first, pouring out your life, that souls may drink from Your side and thirst no more, but well up into eternity,

From John 4:14


The gift of God's Love, Jesus Christ's life given for the redemption of mankind, is sufficient for all, Him being the Fountain of Living Water which never runs dry (John 11:25-27). Yet, only when one humbly repents in response to His Love, even joining with Christ in accepting death to the flesh for the Joy set before us, will they receive His Living Water, the Holy Spirit which Divinely preserves souls for eternity (Zech. 13:1 & 14:8, John 7:37-38, Rev. 7:17).
While the promise of Living Water which flows from the Fountain of Life as its source, Divinely offers both spiritual and physical blessings, poured out gracefully as favors from the LORD upon His Faithfuls so that we may not lack, it is not forced; Worshipers remain sustained in the abundance of His Grace and Love received, now enriched to live for His Glory, both gently and powerfully sharing the Good News of Salvation, having gained the Helper, needed to walk upright and bear fruit that remains for God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' awesome name, thank you Eternal and Gracious Father, for opening my eyes with the offer of access to your very Spirit, keeping me preserved for Your Glory, filled with the Living Water springing forth from the Fountain of Life which never runs dry, yet strengthens me to actively share Your Love for the world, as I proclaim the Gospel with faith in Your Holy Name,

From John 4:10


Ministering in Jesus' name doesn't make anyone the Messiah, for no one can ever take the place of Christ; rather, we are only vessels chosen to reveal God's Love, as we follow the Way lived out by His Son. Even then, as faithful Ministers proclaiming the Good News of Salvation, we are called to make a straight route for His second coming, just as John the Baptist prepared the way for His arrival in the flesh (Malachi 3:1, Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 1:2, John 1:20, 23 & 27).
Therefore, we must not look upon any Minister as the Messiah; rather, we should understand that each part of the body is equally commissioned to declare the Gospel of Truth for Salvation so that, as a Bride is adorned for the Bridegroom, each heart may be prepared for His second coming. The calling of a true Minister requires his commitment to advancing God's Kingdom, and willingness to reach out to more hurting humans who are poor in the Spirit, encouraging them to change their mindsets to receive Jesus Christ as the one and only Redeemer of lives, that people we love may be well preserved for eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven.
PRAYER: In Jesus' gracious name, thank You, LORD, for making me useful in Your Vineyard, to get people prepared for Your second coming. Please, send more laborers for Harvest and strengthen me so that I may continue to disciple more souls, even as I remain preserved with enough of Your Spirit to reach eternity in Your Heavenly Kingdom,

From John 3:28


The presence of Jesus Christ, God's Word, is a Lamp everywhere we go, and a Light to our preordained path, which sustains us on Earth, with the grace to overcome every form of darkness in and around us as chosen vessels of the Light Who arrives right on time (Psalm 119:105, John 1:9). Jesus Christ, being the Light of God, gives life to all who believe in Him, even as He dwells in us - who once had not received mercy - being made beautiful vessels of His glory, subduing every power of darkness on Earth (John 1:4).
Moreover, the rejection of the True Light, Jesus Christ, creates a barrier to one's Divine Salvation, as a result of his unbelief; yet, full submission - in repentance from loveless, dead works - through trusting in Him, keeps us richly graced and protected with eternal Peace, which reveals our total freedom from sin, shame, and separation, as well as the kindness of God in giving His Son to raise up His masterpiece (John 1:10-11, Eph. 2:4-10). So, let's keep on testifying of His glorious presence in our lives to all watching, showing God's Love to each other, which attracts souls seeking His redeeming Grace, so that they may be drawn to the True Light, exchanging mourning for festive oil of gladness, and the Kingdom of God will continue advancing, in His Glory and Majesty (Isa. 61:3).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father and Glorious LORD, for making me a vessel of Your Light, through Christ who lives in me, that I may never be condemned for my past dead works, but may I bring those Your Spirit jealously yearns for, to Your presence in Love, who would come out of darkness, yielding to the morning light, for the Salvation of their souls in Christ Jesus,

From John 3:19


We are redeemed from the condemnation mankind deserves, through faith in Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God whose sacrificial life's blood cleansed us from all sins, that we may be free from condemnation and shame, being justified to live for eternity with the Father (John 5:24).  While we continuously harken to the Faithful Word of God, His good and satisfying will never ceases to prevail in our lives; still, it keeps on manifesting through the Holy Spirit, who makes all whom we come across in life, to experience Christ in us, and as they believe and receive Him, eternity is sure - even as we who trust, will be raised up on the Last Day (Romans 12:2, John 6:40 & 58).
Furthermore, the teachings of the Messiah are written so that we may have the true knowledge of God's human life, and through having faith in His Name, we are gifted with eternal life. So, having gracefully been redeemed from death's claim, as Heirs of the Father, who walk not according to the flesh, yet abide in the Spirit for God's glory, we shouldn't relent in sharing the Good News with all who need it, for the Salvation of more souls (Romans 8:1).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for my hope is in You, and my faith rests on Your Word, who has redeemed me from shame and eternal condemnation. Blessed be Your Holy Name, for I'm safe in Your Hands; therefore, I ask the same simple faith to arise in the hearts of my loved ones, so we will always be together,

From John 3:18


The birth, lifetime, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, were not meant to accuse, convict, nor prefer anyone above another, rather He came to deliver mankind from the world of sin, influenced by the devil (known as the father of lies); this, "we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son as Savior of the World." (Matthew 1:21, Luke 9:25, 1 John 4:14).
Therefore, as faithful Christians, we should avoid separating the people of this world from ourselves while declaring the Truth of Christ Jesus, who came to seek and save the lost; for, as the Good News of Salvation is ministered in love, hope is restored to the condemned, and souls are being redeemed by the same body and blood (Luke 19:10). This is necessary, for Love is the greatest gift given to mankind; when shared, it brings about progress to God's Kingdom, and our individual lives, as Children of God, united with the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 13:1-13, 1 John 3:1).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for offering the greatest Love of all, Jesus Christ who covers my sins and lives in me, that I may purpose to testify of Your goodness today - revealing Your compassion to humanity for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From John 3:17


The resurrection of Jesus Christ by God, from being crucified for the sins of humanity, brought redemption to our souls, granting us Divine and supernatural healing, which completely revives our spirits to live for the source of life, as Heirs of the Kingdom (Acts 3:15-16). Having received Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith - and everything in between - when we are troubled or facing difficulty, by looking with unwavering faith unto Him alone, innocent yet cursed on that tree, a Divine resolution and breakthrough is provided in due time, without fail; for in Him who is Faithful, we are more than conquerors, in everything (Heb. 12:2, Deut. 21:23, 1 Peter 2:22-25, Rom 8:37)!
Therefore, let's never stop holding onto Christ faithfully, for He is the Word of God whose love never fails, yet abides forever, even as we serve Him in Truth and the Spirit (1 Cor 13:8). His Grace is sufficient for all, and as we remain steadfast and committed to His will by advancing His Kingdom, where we live and which we boldly proclaim in Jesus' name, we will never suffer shame.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for You never fail, and as I remain focused on You in the wilderness, I have a blessed assurance of Your redeeming Grace and eternity with You; so in Your Merciful Name, please strengthen me to show the world that you are the Healer, so the paralyzed may be brought out of darkness, to reflect on Your Light and be purified, to continue testifying,

From John 3:14-15


Listening and meditating on the Word of God, Jesus Christ, helps us realize the Truth, set apart from facts and fiction, making everyone who...