Forgiveness is a Divine grace given to all who are faithful and true Christians, and it reveals the Love of God in us, to all who need redemption from the bondage of sin. Though we may need to rebuke the offender when necessary, that he might come to the realization of his guilt, we should not relent in offering forgiveness to him, when reconsidering sin, for this response is an evidence of God's Love, revealing the Divine presence of Christ in the Church, that the purpose of our Christ's Calling may be fulfilled, even as we endlessly bear more fruits, in love, for God's Kingdom.
With this, kindly search yourself, free your heart from all grudges, resulting from offenses done against you, admonishing the offender where necessary, and forgive one another, no matter how many occasions you're given, and continue loving the one whom clearly has forgiven you so much, so that you may remain deserving of God's Divine Grace, Mercy, and Love, as His Beloved Child.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for granting me the grace to forgive all who offend me, which reveals your Love in me, that souls may be redeemed, for your Kingdom; in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 17:3-4


The distraction of chosen and ordained channels of God, offending, and diverting their attention from their Christ's Calling, with the intention of bringing them to fall from the path of righteousness which leads to Salvation and eternity with the LORD, in Christ Jesus, is satanic, and comes with dire consequences that inflict God's wrath and judgement upon such demonic and deceptive vessels. This is common in today's world, where Ministers, and once-devoted Servants of God, are being enticed with pleasurable living, and choked spiritually with the earthly benefits of fleeting wealth, riches, and power, that their attention may be diverted from the purpose of their Christ's highest Calling.
Moreover, overcoming such distraction and deception, rebuking these sinners, and cutting the life off from parts of our lives which need to be thrown away, through Christ who went to the pit, yet now lives in us, makes us victorious, triumphantly putting the devil and his agents to shame, subduing the powers of the wicked, as Divine vessels of light, conquering the forces of darkness wherever we go, boldly proclaiming the Good News of God's Salvation.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for strengthening me through Christ, who lives in me, making me an Overcomer, moving from glory to glory, subduing the deceptive forces of darkness, and their negative influence on Earth, for the Salvation of souls; in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 17:1-2


To be persuaded to receive God's Word, Jesus Christ, a man needs to have the knowledge of the Almighty, and humankind; acquired from the scriptures and the proclamation of the Gospel, we have affirmation of His existence, revealed through His birth, death, and resurrection. Even if we aren't listening to obey, He manifests His love and companionship through the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in all who receive Him, living like Christ, in order to show love & mercy to the sons of men, who need to reject the vanities of this world, and convert over to receiving Jesus Christ, the narrow Way who leads us to God's Kingdom, where everlasting peace and joy resides. Though some may not be willing at first, as we continue pursuing them in love, with God's Word, which we endlessly proclaim as living examples of Christ, souls will be restored, redeemed, and delivered, even as they start receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, being born-again Children of God.
Therefore, let's repent, not relent; neither should we be tired of seeking for lost souls. Rather, we should always remain persuasive, even while persecuted as radical Soldiers of the Cross, and triumphant vessels of Grace, ordained to advance God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for daily granting me the grace to seek souls, persuading those who will believe, with the power which overcomes the grave, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, for the Salvation of souls; in your Holy name,

From Luke 16:31


God's Word has been given to all, from the Scriptures, fulfilled by Jesus Christ, and through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, made comprehensible, that all who harken to Him, in full submission, may receive the Blessed Assurance of the Divine inheritance: of peace, victory, and eternal life with the Father, in His Heavenly Kingdom above. Harkening to God Word brings us closer to the Father, and our dedication, by living like Christ, in full submission, establishes the will of the Father in Heaven, on Earth, even as souls are being redeemed, to the glory of God, through His Love, proclaimed by the Gospel which we share freely. 
This makes us, not only citizens of an Heavenly Kingdom, yet also Sons and Daughters of God, born in Christ Jesus, to advance His Kingdom. So, let's not relent in heeding the Word of God, living by its blessings, not just for our personal salvation, but that the Love of the Father through Christ, who lives in us, may be revealed to others too, for the Salvation of more souls to God, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for the revelation of your Word, Jesus Christ, your only begotten Son, who offers new life, for in Him I have the Blessed Assurance of eternity in your Kingdom, where my treasures are safely kept;

From Luke 16:29


Now is the right time to show love, comfort, and mercy to all who are lacking, oppressed, and in need of our forgiveness, that we may be deserving of God's mercy and welcoming embrace, on the last day, which carries on. The love we share, showing mercy with compassionate hearts from the abundance of God's grace and provision, reveals Christ, who lives in us. It's wise to follow Christ in self-sacrifice; serving the LORD with our whole heart, might, mind and soul, even as we extend the love of the Father to all, discriminating none, yet embracing new creations as fellow brethren, in oneness, that they may experience the unconditional love of the the only Way that leads to eternity in the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, who changes the mindsets of the sons of men into receiving a place with Our Father.
Also, as Sons of Abraham, our possessions need not to be selfishly kept for our personal gain and luxurious living, alone; rather every extra Earthly moment and morsel needs to be shared in love, with those who are in need, that the purpose of our Calling as Sons of God in Christ Jesus, revealing the Father's Love for the advancement of His Kingdom, may be established, for the Salvation of souls, from eternal separation.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the comfort and Grace given to us as Kingdom citizens, even as we are being given opportunity to reveal your Love, showing mercy to all in need, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 16:24-26


Marriage is a union ordained by God to depict Christ and the Church, but divorce was never intended by the LORD, from the beginning of creation. The hardness of man's heart, not being forgiving towards his life-time companion, made Moses to permit it (Matthew 19:8). Though it was permitted for cases of unfaithfulness, Jesus Christ said the separated partners are not allowed to marry another, yet in today's brutal world, even emotional torture leads to divorce, for the safety of the victim; she can only turn to God, for Love which satisfies.
Moreover, every marriage which is built on love, needs to accommodate the Spirit of forgiveness, endurance, and mutual understanding within both spouses, that the Bond between them may never be broken. Still, if the need for divorce arises, both parties should come to the realization, and accept the fact that they are not to remarry except to themselves, or in the case of the passing of one member of the promise before God, since they are already one body for life, under the covenant relationship of marriage (1 Corinthians 7). So, be careful, and seek God's guidance before marriage, and the wisdom of many counselors. While being married, love your spouse from the depth of your heart, for God loves You, and you are one, united with the covenant of marriage, that there may be no room for divorce.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Heavenly Father, thank you for every marriage established in your name, for the purpose of companionship and procreation. Please, continue to strengthen us not to separate what God has joined, and the bond of the united body, that there may be no room for divorce;

From Luke 16:18


Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of the law, established for the Salvation of souls. God's Word has never failed, and will continue to remain established, forever. Though the heavens vanish away like smoke, the Earth grows old like garments, and all of its inhabitants die, the Word of God, which reveals righteousness and grants Life to anyone who believes and receives Jesus Christ as their personal Lord, and Savior of the World, will continue to abide forever, fixed through His Divine Grace; for He is the Eternal Rock of Ages, Who remains Holy.
Furthermore, the Word of God, Jesus Christ, unites man and God, through the covenant relationship He established when He offered His body and blood complete with forgiveness. When we receive this seed into a soft heart, with the desire to serve Him in love, as faithful servants committed to bring more souls to the Salvation of the LORD in Jesus, for the advancement of God's Kingdom; by living like Christ, this makes even the blinded to see the love of the Father, through experiencing the One who is greater, living in us, by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, Who testifies, revealing our identity as Christ's, to all who need Salvation and total redemption from the kingdom of darkness, into marvelous light.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your Word is sure and your covenant is established in my life, in Christ Jesus; 

From Luke 16:17


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...