Thursday, August 31, 2023


The rejection of God's Word, and persecution of His Faithfuls, who are testifying of His goodness to all, invites His wrath and judgment upon the vessels of darkness and agents of wickedness, whose major desire is to hinder the advancement of God's Kingdom across the globe. This is certain: though it may take until the end of the age, so that the persecutors may realize where they have fallen, and have time to repent before the days of desolation; still, God will never fail to fight for the Righteous.
Moreover, now is the period of repentance, from hellfire to Grace; because the time of complete desolation is near, it's time for total submission to our Christ's Calling, so that the purpose of our existence, as ambassadors of Christ, may be fulfilled, for the Salvation of souls in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, thank you for accepting us as your own; graced to proclaim the Good News of Salvation, for the redemption of souls, even as we remain free from Your wrath and judgment, as Your beloved Sons and Daughters,

From Luke 21:20-22

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Having been called by Christ to proclaim the Good News of Salvation to all, for the advancement of God's Kingdom, the devil will ever remain restless - knowing fully well that his time is short. So, he influences the Sons of men, who are far away from God, to serve as vessels for destruction, challenging the spread of the Gospel and persecuting Christians, without understanding why.
Although he may go as far as sowing seeds of deception and betrayal in the hearts of our loved ones, neighbors, and friends, making them murderous towards us, it's all for the sake of Christ, who has gone through this before us, declare His Father's Love, for the redemption of souls who will believe.
There were many times He avoided being harmed and His friends also came out of the grave. As we remain steadfast, holding onto Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, we will forever remain triumphantly victorious, because; He who is in us, is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4)!

 PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father, for giving me an enduring heart, and a devoted Spirit, even as I proclaim the Gospel, overcoming the manipulations of the wicked, by Your Holy Spirit;

 From Luke 21:16-18

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


The Wisdom of the Holy Spirit is our long-awaited Grace, given by He who is Faithful, to us as Sons and Daughters of God; our adversary can't resist, nor contradict, since we speak by the authority of Christ in us. So, we need not be defensive, premeditating on what to say or do when we are brought before a Judge, nor any persecuting counsel; for the battle is of the LORD, and every word that comes from our mouth - in defense of our faith and Christ's Calling, has been divinely given by our Heavenly Father, who speaks through us by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, let's remain courageously strong, having no fear nor feeling distressed, for the LORD our God is ever with us, protecting us from every manipulative effort of the wicked, standing against the purpose of our existence as chosen vessels, ordained to advance God's Kingdom (Joshua 1:9).
PRAYER: Lord, Jesus Christ, thank You for the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit You've bestowed upon Your Children, which gives us the boldness to stand before men to proclaim the Good News of God's Salvation, even as we remain vindicated by Your Divine authority in us,

From Luke 21:14-15

Monday, August 28, 2023


As the end of all things under the Heavens displaying awesome signs, draws near, the Church - the body of Christ, is falsely accused, persecuted, and imprisoned, with the intention of stopping the proclamation of the Gospel, by the workers of wickedness who try to hinder the advancement of God's Kingdom. Even so, these are stepping stones to greater glory - leading to testimonies of Divine breakthroughs, as victorious vessels of the Holy Spirit. Those who truly know Jesus, visit the Brethren in prison and provide through fabricated famines, to the least of these.
So, let's not relent in our faithfulness to the LORD, even in these trying times; for, as Overcomers, we will be fed healing leaves in God's Kingdom, secure on His unshakeable foundation, being Heirs of our Heavenly Father, forever (Revelation 22 & 3:21).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Eternal Father, for the revelation of your Word, who gives us strength in tribulation, that we may remain triumphantly victorious, as Sons and Daughters of God, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 21:11-13

Friday, August 25, 2023


We have heard rumors of wars, and in some cases experience the commotion of nations rising against nations with rebellion and kingdoms falling; Kings exercising their authority to oppress others for the sake of a false sense of power. This is a sign of only the beginning of the end, and not the end of the birth pangs, yet for all people these are destined to take place, before the rapture of the saints, and the end of the age.
Moreover, experiencing these series of events shouldn't be a cause of worries; rather, we should remain hopeful in the LORD, confident in His Divine grace and protection, and we will surely overcome as victorious vessels of God, worthy of His glorious Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you in Christ Jesus, Heavenly Father, for your Divine grace and protection, which keep me safe from harm, even in these trying times, that I may remain an Overcomer, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus,

From Luke 21:9-10

Thursday, August 24, 2023


As Watchmen waiting for the second coming of Christ, we shouldn't lose focus on Christ's Calling and the purpose of our existence, as Brides waiting for the glorious coming of the Bridegroom. Yet, we should be cautious of false teachers and deceitful prophets, claiming to be the Messiah. These liars would distract one's attention from Jesus Christ: the Truth and True to His Word, the everlasting Life, and the Way, who leads to Salvation.
Moreover, we should always remain spiritually cautious, and not just believe everyone claiming to be vessels of God. Rather, we should endeavor to test the spirit in them, through the knowledge of God's Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, that we may not be deceived by any false anointing nor deceitful teaching.
PRAYER: Dear Eternal LORD, thank you for the Divine knowledge of your Word, which gives Light to the world - revealing the Truth so that we, Your chosen people, may not be deceived by the forces of darkness, yet remain on the path of Righteousness, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 21:8

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Every structure possessed or adored by men on the surface of the Earth, only exists for a little while, as a result of the influence of sin - turning away from an awesome God, to take pride in our own accomplishments which are like fig leaves before lamb's-skin, or the partially-built tower of Babel, which will never succeed to reach the sky (Micah 3:10-12).
Furthermore, the admiration of a Temple used for God's glory, without showing respect for His presence seeking entrance into every heart we disciple, makes every stone of an altar prone to destruction; for, "faith without works is dead" (James 2:26). So, let's not simply admire physical and material structures in shrines, nor idly enter into sanctuaries to be entertained, or garnish change, without being changed; rather (Eph 4:6-13), we should actively engage ourselves as the Church, some in the proclamation of the Gospel, some prophesying the Word, some shepherding with the flock - that we may Divinely remain as His Holy Temple, consecrated to advance God's Kingdom, even as we are refined in the House of Worship, to offer a living sacrifice of praise to our Heavenly Father.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, LORD, I give you all the glory, honor, and adoration, for giving us your only Son, and making me a Temple of your glorious presence - revealing the Light of your Word to all, for the Salvation of souls,

From Luke 21:5-6

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


While rendering our selfless service, wealth, or riches to the LORD, for the advancement of God's Kingdom - done willingly from the depths of our hearts, as sacrificial offerings solely to our Heavenly Father, we will surely remain Divinely, increasingly blessed. Doing this, either from the abundance of God's provision, or by surrendering our all to Him, requires love, the perfect bond of unity, and selfless sacrifice - "for, if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have." (Col 3:14 & 2 Cor 8:12)
Furthermore, our giving shouldn't be done grudgingly nor clouded with doubt; rather, it should be done faithfully, in love to the Father, so that it may be accepted as a sacrificial offering before His throne.
PRAYER: Thank you, ever-loving Father, for giving me a soft heart to compassionately share with others out of the abundance of your great provisions, even as I sacrifice all for the advancement of your glorious Kingdom, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 21:1-4

Monday, August 21, 2023


Always remain spiritually vigilant so that you may not be deceived by false teachers and hypocritical clergymen, who only seek praise and honor from people, through their pretentious service to God. They make their works known in public, only for worldly exaltation, while behind closed doors, they are devourers; deceiving the weak and helpless temporarily, for selfish gains.
Therefore, let's not relent in constantly meditating on God's Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to be our guide, and we will never be deceived; for, we are armed by His Divine Word to completely conquer every deception, through Christ who lives in us, the light of the world.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the knowledge of your Word, interpreted by the Holy Ghost, that we may not be deceived by the presence of enemies, yet abide in the Truth, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 20:46-47

Friday, August 18, 2023


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the only begotten Son of God; conceived by the Holy Spirit, who declares Him the Son of the Father, graced with Power and Authority. Even so, He is physically the Son of King David; born according to the flesh for the redemption of everyone who believes in Him - through His death and resurrection (Romans 1:3).
Moreover, David called Him Lord, because no mere Son of Man can redeem his brother from sin which was passed down from biological ancestors, nor give a ransom for his soul, except Jesus, the one and only Messiah, who came from Heaven (Psalm 49:7).
PRAYER: Thank You, my Lord Jesus Christ, for the redemption of my soul; for, your presence in my life sustains me, as the redeemed of the LORD, equipped to remain fruitful for God's Kingdom, by the same Holy Spirit,

From Luke 20:41-44

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Being well-spoken personalities before God and every person He created, comes through constant meditation of His Word, even as we remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, who inspires us to boldly affirm the Truth in love, always keeping to it. By this, we are proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, and the Kingdom of God is advancing.
Furthermore, our communion with the Holy Spirit makes us grow in Wisdom, which develops our understanding of God's Word, so that we may stand out; and keep defeating the craftiness of men, influenced by the devil, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus. This makes even the learned amongst men, who intentionally start any argument, admit defeat, as the Holy Spirit ministers through His vessels - Called and chosen to advance God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for the manifestation in my life, of the Holy Spirit, who gives me Wisdom, Joy, Peace, Righteousness, and a better understanding of your Word, to defeat the efforts of the wicked; in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 20:39-40

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


The LORD, our Creator, is the God of the living and not of the dead, for the dead can not praise Him! Our service to He who is the Source of abundant life, requires us to stay alive; though dead to the flesh, yet in the Spirit, we are quickened to glorify our Heavenly Father, no matter what comes. He keeps the Book of Life, filled with personal names of those saved from the second death.
Moreover, the flesh has a limited time to live, before it returns to the dust, where it belongs. Still, it accommodates the soul, being strengthened by the Spirit to function according to the will of the LORD; we serve as His Creations - living as ambassadors of Christ who loves us, declaring His Good News to all. Even so, after the corruption of the body, the soul who is eternal, along with the Spirit, will return to our Creator.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Dear LORD, my Creator, thank you for making me a vessel consecrated for your service - forever glorifying Your name, as a living testimony of Your marvelous works,

From Luke 20:37-38

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


In the resurrection, after being transfigured from humans into heirs of God, dwelling in Heaven with the LORD - justified by faith in Christ Jesus, there is no provision for marriage amongst souls. Since, Saints become superior to Angels, having triumphed over tribulations on Earth, we will forever be comfortable in the glorious companionship of our Heavenly Father.
Although, marriage is instituted by God for reproduction, companionship on Earth, as well as revealing the unity of Jesus with His Church, even so, it's not needed in Heaven, where eternal life abides, and no death exists. Procreation was established for the continuous existence of man on the surface of the Earth, while in Heaven God sustains all.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord, Jesus Christ, for in You, my eternity with the Father is established, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, to overcome mortality by Grace,

From Luke 20:34-36

Monday, August 14, 2023


Being children of God, consecrated by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ, we shouldn't be worried when challenges arises - coming from oppressors, seeking to stop the proclamation of the Gospel; rather we should remain courageous as ambassadors of Christ advancing God's Kingdom. The Holy Spirit Himself; manifesting the Power of God, will always defend us - putting the oppressors to shame, while we remain Strengthened to carry the cross to the end.
Furthermore, the oppressors silenced as a result of shock, and confusion in their hearts, making them powerless, while we remain triumphantly victorious - proclaiming the Gospel to all in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you Holy Spirit of God, for silencing every oppressor standing against my Christ's Calling, that I may ever remain triumphantly victorious, even as I proclaim the Gospel of Salvation to all in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 20:26

Friday, August 11, 2023


All power belongs to the LORD and we fear no other. Even so, while honoring our Heavenly Father, as His Beloved Sons and Daughters, consecrated to advance His Kingdom in Christ Jesus, we should also be respectful towards governing authorities, for they've been appointed by God (Romans 13:1).
Furthermore, as we submit to every necessary authority for Christ's sake,  the purpose of our Calling will never fail to be established, while those with evil intentions will definitely be put to silence, before our eyes, even if we don't seek vengeance on Earth (1 Peter 2:13-15.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, thank you, Heavenly Father, for granting me the grace to remain submissive to your Divine will, even as I am being led by the Holy Spirit to render respect and honor to all made in His image;

From Luke 20:25

Thursday, August 10, 2023


The Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus restores lives, by redeeming souls from the bondage of sin and death. It also reveals the truth of oneself, which makes those who are humble in spirit, come into repentance - receiving Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, for the Salvation of their souls.
Although the unrepentant soul sees the Proclaimer of the Good News as an obstruction to their false beliefs and authority. Still, as Ministers of the Gospel, we need not to relent in the purpose of our Christ's Calling, with the authority Jesus gave, rather, let's remain steadfast and courageous, for the LORD is our strength, defending the Righteous, and He will always keep us safe from what others fear.
PRAYER: O' LORD, my God, blessed be your Holy name, for I am safely kept under the shadow of your wings, to proclaim the Gospel to all, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 20:19

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


By falling in full submission at the feet of Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, living by His Word, graven in the Tablets of our hearts, we become broken spiritually and, shattered on the outside, given new hearts, and never condemned, because we are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1).
Moreover, by refusing to fall in humility at the cross of Jesus - as a result of pride, arrogance, and selfishness - a man inflicts God's judgment upon himself. So, let's continue on the path of Righteousness in Christ Jesus, resting on the Bedrock as the source of our strength, and we will never be scattered under a headstone, but always be Divinely favored - dwelling in His Love, Grace, and Mercy.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, thank you for being the source of my strength, for your presence refines me daily to remain fit for God's Kingdom, in your Holy name,

From Luke 20:18

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


The Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, rejected by many who are called, yet all who receive Him, worshipping in Truth and in the Spirit, will ever abide in the comfort of His love - being lifted by grace to the position of glory, as Heirs of the Father.
Although, the world is rejecting us based on appearances, let's continue holding on to Christ who washes hearts, and we will never stumble nor be put to shame, as chosen bricks joined to the Headstone for the growth of the Church - advancing God's Kingdom, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You for making me as a brick joined to the Chief Cornerstone, even as I remain a part of Your body, to advance Your Kingdom,

From Luke 20:17

Monday, August 7, 2023


Our stewardship as laborers in the LORD'S vineyard, is strictly for His glory. Even so, when a selfish motive is conceived and brought to actualization while in service, one's priestly authority and spiritual status could be taken away by LORD, who appoints His own.
Furthermore, selfishness in a man's life makes him deviate from the purpose of Christ's Calling, leading to the Divine replacement of his station by our Heavenly Father, whose servants' works can't be stopped; rather, by our faith in Jesus, we remain active beyond death of the body.
So, let's remain faithful and just in  rendering our service to the LORD, giving no room for lustful and selfish desires, that our souls may be well prepared for the glorious harvest, as truly humble laborers in His vineyard.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, my God, thank you for graciously placing me in a position of service in your vineyard, that there may be a great harvest of souls on the second coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord;

From Luke  20:9-16

Friday, August 4, 2023


The Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, being proclaimed by His Priests this chosen generation, can never be stopped from spreading, until it gets to all who are lacking eternal life, for the redemption of more souls, who immediately expand the Kingdom. Before the second coming of Christ, it will definitely get to the reach of all.
Moreover, being called and chosen by Christ to declare the testimony of His good will towards all, we are equipped with the full armor of God; graced by His love, and we will remain triumphantly victorious over every challenge that comes our way, as ambassadors of Christ, advancing God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, through Christ who lives in me, for granting me the grace, power and authority to be Your witness to all, even as I remain Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to overcome destruction along the way,

From Luke 19:47-48

Thursday, August 3, 2023


Our Calling as Christians, is to serve and commune with the LORD, through  selfless service, prayers and - solely to the glory and praise of His Majesty.
This makes us vessels of God, and Temples of His glorious presence. Where offerings of praise, worship, and honor are being raised to the Heavens, we should not expect to profit on Earth in the flesh although we may be fed and clothed, set free and healed - straight from the throne of our God above.
Our body is the temple of God, and it shouldn't be defiled by the lustful desires for wealth, power, and riches of this present world - for they are basically vanities, which distract one's attention from the purpose of his Christ's Calling. Rather, we should always place God first in all we do, freeing our thoughts from love of vanities; instead loving others, that we may remain focused on giving glory to the name of the LORD, as His consecrated House of Prayers, together.
 PRAYER: Heavenly LORD, and Gracious Father, blessed be your Holy name! 
for your presence in my life has made me a vessel of glorious works - assigned to bring sacrifices of praise in thanksgiving, and true communion to your Throne in Christ Jesus;

 From Luke 19:46

Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Though our body is the Temple of God, yet only when we receive Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior - abiding in Him, and He in us, then we will be completely cleansed from all guilt and filthiness which defiles a man; keeping him away from the presence of God.
Moreover, the Divine presence of Christ in our lives, keeps us solely for the LORD; being filled with the Holy Spirit, to remain a Temple - consecrated for His good will, revealing His love for the Salvation of souls. So, let's keep ourselves preserved for the LORD, that His glory which attracts souls to Himself may be revealed in us, as His chosen vessels.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for cleansing me with your precious blood, even as you establish your Divine presence, through the Holy Spirit within me, as a Temple refined for your glorious works.

From Luke 19:45

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


The Divine knowledge of God's Word in the flesh, Jesus Christ, brings complete peace to our souls; for our eternity is rest-assured in Heaven above, where the saints dwell. This is manifest through our constant meditation on God's Word, affirming our faith, even while our spirits remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, who gives Divine Wisdom to understand the ways of the LORD, hidden from mortal eyes, yet revealed to all who worship Him in Truth and in the Spirit.
Furthermore, the Divine Prince of Peace has come, and by receiving the Word into our hearts, we are equipped through the challenge of living out His revelations, so that we may always live from a place of prosperity, even in times of trials and temptations, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus, as the conditions arise for Jerusalem to accept their Messiah as one murdered, without being darkened by the prince of this world and their pride.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father for the knowledge of Your Word in my life, gracing Your people with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit; granting true peace to fill my life and hope to my soul, as an Heir of your Kingdom, may You rule forever,

From Luke 19:42


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...