Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts


The manifestation of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, performing signs and wonders as we live by faith the Life of Christ, being vessels of God's glorious works, is the greatest witness one could ever have, whose testimony abides forever (1 John 5:9-10). He testifies of our identity and enforces our calling in Christ, so that we may remain strengthened to live as ambassadors of God's Kingdom (Mark 16:17-20).
Furthermore, as we live for God's glory, advancing His Kingdom, while we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in love to all, changing the mindsets of men from every false belief to the realization of Truth in Christ Jesus, the extraordinary things Christians do, bear witness that we are vessels of the LORD, in which His Spirit, who testifies of His great and awesome wonders, dwells (John 3:2 & 10:25).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for Your presence in me, through the Holy Spirit who testifies through Your marvelous works, being the Greatest Witness of Your Word, in whom I am made alive to declare Your Love to all. Please, continue to give me Your mission to fulfill, using me for Your Glory, so that souls may be transformed and made alive in Christ Jesus, who is raised from the dead,

From John 5:36


Our identity and calling in Christ Jesus makes us Witnesses to the Truth as vessels of the Holy Spirit, who Divinely testifies of God's presence in us (Matt. 3:16-17, John 1:29 & 3:2). We've been reborn for this purpose: so that many may come to the realization of the Truth, receiving Christ as the Redeemer of the World, even as we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation to all.
The declaration of the Holy Spirit breaks barriers and overcomes borders, so that all who listen to the Truth and obediently receive God's Word, may be saved, even as the Kingdom of God keeps advancing and we, true Christians, being Witnesses of the Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit, become fruitful for God's glory.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, our LORD, for empowering me through the Holy Spirit, to testify of Your Word, as a Witness of the Divine Truth. Please, keep me strengthened to reach out to more souls who are lacking the true knowledge of the Gospel, so that they may receive Your Salvation in Christ Jesus, our LORD,

From John 5:33-34


Based on the Old Testament Law, as a man, one cannot bear witness of himself alone, even when his true character portrays to the World, His true identity as a Child of God, as Jesus said He was sent from His Father, God; rather, it requires two or more personalities to testify of him (John 1:29 & 3:2). Even then, as True Christians who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, declaring His Gospel to every person, in Truth and in the Spirit, every word and action which comes from the depth of our hearts, Divinely bears witness of us, through the Holy Spirit who testifies that we are citizens of God's Kingdom (Matt. 3:17, John 8:14).
Furthermore, being ambassadors of God's Kingdom, known in the hearts of those who receive Him and revealed to the World, the Holy Spirit who communes with our spirits, bears witness of our identity and calling in Christ Jesus, of whom we proclaim (John 8:18).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Divinely bearing witness of me as Your own, testifying on my behalf through the Holy Spirit, that I am a chosen vessel assigned to live for Your Glory. Please, let Your presence in my life as a vessel of Divine Witness, gloriously bring more souls to Your Kingdom,

From John 5:31-32


God the Father, who has Life in Himself, graciously gives everlasting life to anyone who will believe and receive His Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior, revealed as the Light of Men and the Fountain Of Life, by the Holy Spirit quickening His Body (Psalm 36:8-9, John 1:4 & 3:16, 1 Cor. 15:45). Being the Head of the Church and one with the Father, Jesus has also received the Divine authority to execute judgment on all of God's creation, as well as create a new (Matt. 28:18).
Therefore, as long as we are alive, we shouldn't stop declaring His glory as the Just One ordained to judge    both the Living and the Dead (2 Tim. 4:1-2). This is our Christ's calling so that souls may come to the realization of Truth in God's Word, receiving Him with their hearts, at this time, dedicated by faith, before the Glorious Day of Judgement (Psalm 96:3-4).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for I am safe in Your Hands, dwelling in Your Righteousness alone. Please, let Your presence in my life lead me to more souls who need redemption; change their mindsets to humbly receive You as their advocate, so that they may not stay condemned on the Day of Judgement, but exist united, actually seated in Heaven due to Your life-giving sacrifice (Eph. 2:6-7),

From John 5:26-27


Elohim, our God and the Creator of all things, works for our good in the Messiah Yeshua, protecting and preserving us as vessels of His glory, through whom His purposes are accomplished. Although He took rest on the first Sabbath day, from the work of creation, beautiful at its completion, He never ceases to work amongst men who are at rest from their own works, yet alive with Christ, and uses every one of His own creations to bring about the redemption of souls through the declaration of His Love and Word, made manifest by the Holy Spirit in our lives (Genesis 2:2 & Hebrews 4:4). He is still working, even now, to reveal the reason for which the world was created, through us, His vessels, consecrated to receive His Love and introduce Immanuel, so that men may rightly offer to worship Him, in Truth and in Spirit (John 4:23). As we take the pleasant yoke to learn from Him, upholding our Christ's calling by converting souls and discipling them, bringing the knowledge of God's Word to the reach of all in need of Salvation, we remain functional vessels of the Holy Spirit, commissioned to glorify the Father, doing His will on Earth as it is in Heaven; for the LORD is working in us and through us for His beloved Son Jesus' advancing Kingdom (Matt. 11:29).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You Heavenly Father, for making me a vessel of Your Divine will, identified as I walk in the Spirit - to share the testimony of the Kingdom with every nation, for the Salvation of many still lacking the true knowledge of Elohim in Christ Jesus, our Lord; may I find satisfaction that there is no better task nor reward than to enjoy Yourself and share Your Grace,

From John 5:17


The Word of God is powerful and its declaration, in faith, produces instantaneous miracles which purify the body, transform souls, and strengthen our spirits to live for God's glory. It doesn't matter one's situation or level of spiritual growth to receive a miracle from the LORD; for He has already done wonderful things and all we need is to believe Jesus, walking with Him obediently in faith, and all we affirm, as well as that which has been declared prophetically, will definitely come to fulfillment in our lives, at the right time.
Moreover, receiving an immediate answer to our prayers, God's Divine intervention to our supplications, brought before Him with thanksgiving, is a miracle that can only be attained through faith and obedience to God's Word, out of love for Him and to His glory (John 14:13-15). So, let's remain faithfully steadfast in doing His will, living in our Christ's identity, even as we endeavor to actualize our Christ's calling, in Love to God and man, and all our petitions placed before the LORD in prayers will surely be answered, in Jesus' Name, sooner than we think (John 16:27).
PRAYER: Thank You, Loving Father, for the declaration of Your Word in my life, which has brought me this far, lifting me from glory to glory, having received grace after grace. Please, keep me motivated and strengthened to share the testimonies of Your awesome wonders to all lacking the revelation of Your Word, so that the mindsets of many may be transformed, for the Salvation of souls, to rest in Your Holy Name,

From John 5:8-9


Our unwavering faith in the testimonies of God's Word allows us to receive experiences of instantaneous miracles and urgent answers to our prayers; as we keep on testifying of His awesome wonders and marvelous works, the mindsets of many are being transformed the moment they believe and receive Jesus Christ into their lives. This makes us, advancing God's Kingdom on Earth today, fruitful as vessels of glorious works of love. 
However, doubting God's Word only causes setbacks to what He is ready to demonstrate and delays one's prayers; so, we shouldn't relent in rebuking every form of fear or misplaced faith, while submitting our supplications before the LORD, hoping in "Him who is able to do abundantly above all that we ask or imagine, by His power working in us," Who will never fail to meet us at the time of need because, while we are helpless, He loves us and those in our lives, who are invited to eternal life (Eph. 3:19-21 & Rom. 5:5 & 6).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy name, Thank You Heavenly Father, for Your glorious Word in my life, which empowers my faith and uplifts my spirit to triumph over all challenges coming my way. Please, keep me preserved as a testimony of Your marvelous works, that the faith of many may be restored and strengthened, in Your awesome Love,

From John 4:51-53


Believing the Word of God over doubts or fears, makes our petitions and prayers answered according to His will for us in Christ (Phil. 4:6). We mustn't assume that being in agreement with His anointed vessel, in the presence of His consecrated Temple, or sharing burdens with a favored saint, certifies our prayer has been answered; rather, we should realize that the LORD our Creator who cares, is Omnipresent, so distance can never serve as an hindrance to the prayers of His Faithfuls, nor does shame separate us, for Jesus has come down and His mercy and grace are great towards each Believer (Heb. 4:14-16).
Further, our Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I Am, YHWH, whom we are serving through Christ who lives in us, always sees "the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry (Psalm 34:15)." So, even as we remain satisfied and steadfastly committed to our Christ's calling - advancing God's Kingdom by going forth, filled with the Good News of Salvation - He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He will always harken to the voice of our supplication, in due time (Deut 31:6 & Heb. 13:5).
PRAYER: Thank You,  Ever-faithful God, for You're always there when I call; indeed, You are my "very present help in trouble," keeping me safe in Your hands as an Overcomer (Ps. 46). Please keep me able to grow my faith in Your Son, so that I may never stop experiencing Your awesome wonders, being a vessel of Your glorious works, in Jesus' marvelous name,

From John 4:49-51


Right from the days when Jesus Christ lived as the Son of Man on the surface of the Earth, until today, some will never believe unless they see another miracle, experiencing it themselves; for the faith of many is leaning on the visible world, which keeps them in an uncertain state when going through trials, forgetting the fact that True Christians "walk by faith, not by sight (John 6:29-36 & 20:29, Romans 10:17).
However, many in churches today, desire signs and wonders as proof of God's presence in the life of His anointed vessels, chosen to oversee them, ignoring the truth which says: "what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (1 Cor. 1:22-25, 2 Cor. 4:16-18). This might make them fall easily into the deception of the lawless one who seems to work signs and wonders with the powers of satan, to divert their attention from the path of Truth and Righteousness in Christ Jesus; the only supreme King of Kings, who "does whatever He pleases (Psalm 115:2-3)." 
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Heavenly Father, for making me focus beyond knowledge which puffs up, signs which could be faked, or what you can do now for me - which keeps me strengthened in the Spirit, as I constantly pray and meditate on Your Word, Who revitalizes my soul with Life and Love, that I may reach out to those whose faith is built on visible facts, with testimony and new wonders of Who You Are, bringing them to the realization of true faith, as I keep on discipling them in Jesus' Name,

From John 4:48


It's crucial for everyone seeking total redemption from sin, death, and a complete breakthrough from the forces of darkness, to come to repentance, believing and obeying Jesus Christ, God's Word and only begotten Son; for through Him, Divine reconciliation with the Father is established, being the Salvation of the LORD offered to all mankind (John 3:16-17 & 14:6, Acts 4:12). Submitting to Him alone, we can be kept eternally free from condemnation and wrath, since we no longer live and walk in darkness, rather according to the will of the Spirit who abides in us, granting us, as Heirs of His Kingdom, eternal life (John 6:47, Romans 8:1).
Therefore, we should firmly hold onto our faith in He Who Is Faithful & True; for in Him, the righteousness of God is revealed to sinners snatched from hellfire (Jude 1:23). As we will humbly abide in Him and He in us, we will forever remain justified, as co-heirs with Christ (Romans 1:17)!
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal and Gracious Father, for I am redeemed by faith in Your Word and only begotten Son, who paid the price for my sins, that I may never let go of your favor, but live for eternity in Your Kingdom, as the Redeemed of the LORD, in Christ Jesus, seeking for Your will to be done,

From John 3:36


Believing and receiving the testimony of God's Word, Jesus Christ, affirms the truthfulness of Elohim in our lives and confirms the fulfillment of His promise through Abraham (Genesis 12:3). This makes us Sons of Abraham - the Father of many nations - additionally, we become brethren with Jesus Christ, the promised seed; by faith, He was sent from God, who raised Him to life, we are deserving of eternal life, in relationship with Him (John 3:16, Gal. 3:6-9).
Furthermore, "he who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself;" this is acquired because the Word became flesh for God's Salvation of souls in need, and to those who receive Him, the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God through His Wisdom which gives Believers the right understanding of Elohim, in whose image we are reborn to be fruitful, multiply and rule (John 1:3 & 14, 1 John 5:10 & 11, Gen. 1:27 & 28). So, let's continue testifying of the Truth in Christ Jesus, proclaiming His Good News to all, even as we live by it, so that we may gracefully be justified through faith in God's Word, who dwells in us, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior (Romans 3:4 & 22).
PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Ever-Faithful and True God, for bringing me to the realization of Who You Are by faith in Your Word - Jesus Christ, in whom I live, testifying of Your great and marvelous works, bringing God's Salvation to all who might have tender hearts to believe in Your Holy Name,

From John 3:33


The joy of every faithful and true Minister of the Good News is fulfilled as they continuously see all whom they're discipling moving closer to the LORD, in full submission to the arrival of Jesus Christ - the Bridegroom, whom they proclaim God sent into the world. It's also our Calling in Christ to seek lost souls to disciple, who are willing to put Jesus first, enticing them to be made presentable, as chaste and wise Virgins, to the one who paid for the redemption of all mankind to be made available (Matthew 25:1-4 & 28:19-20, 2 Cor. 11:2).
This is necessary, that we may continue to serve as vessels of His Divine will; advancing His Kingdom, which will never cease to exist, yet abides forever - so, "today, if you hear His voice, don't harden your hearts," for His Faithfuls have been granted a reason for eternal Joy, prevailing Justice, and Peace, hallelujah (Psalm 95:6-9)! Accordingly, we shouldn't relent in listening for His return, being committed to our Christ's calling, and we will remain deserving of the welcoming embrace of Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, on the Last Day (Isaiah 9:7).
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD Jesus Christ, for calling me Friend, and choosing me to advance Your Kingdom, while I continuously disciple souls for Your glory, asking that all may humbly come to be graciously deserving of Your welcoming embrace, as Stewards and the true Bride-to-be, making much of Your Holy Name,

From John 3:29-30


The Word of God, Jesus Christ reveals the Kingdom of God, bringing its existence to the understanding of all who receive Him, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the Divine experience of adoption, God's Throne, and patience to be taken up to the dwelling place of the saints. By His Spirit, we visualize God's Kingdom reality through our hearts, so that we may gracefully declare it is near, in truth and love, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus (Matt. 3:2).
However, seeing the dwelling place of Elohim requires a repentant and renewed mind, faithful and sincere heart, and a person having received inside, the promised Spirit; for this allows us to come closer to the LORD, even as we live for Christ, abiding in Him as Heirs of the Father, born-again of His Spirit (Heb. 10:21-22). So, we need to make known the Salvation of the LORD to all, so that as many as receive Him, may come as Born-again believers with changed mindsets, divinely endowed to see God's Kingdom through His Words, as inspired by the Holy Spirit from above.
PRAYER: Thank You, compassionate Heavenly Father, for granting me the grace to divinely visualize Your Kingdom, through the revelation of Your Faithful and True Word which, coming down, revives my soul, and strengthens my Spirit to hope for an eternity with You, in Christ Jesus, 

From John 3:3


The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a glorious sign of God's Love and eternal presence, held by all who are faithful to the Son; for by this, God brought Salvation to all who will wholeheartedly embrace the Messiah, now offering us to be bailed from the bondage of sin and eternal condemnation. The New Covenant was established through the precious blood of Jesus, that Grace may overshadow our guilt, even as we come repentant, in full submission to our Christ's calling, as the redeemed of the LORD.
However, many have yet to accept Christ, and are not convinced of the signs of the Lord's crucifixion and Resurrection; still, as ambassadors of Christ, and Heirs of the Father, we should not relent in bringing to their understanding, God's Love and eternal existence through the work of Christ who actually lives in us. Bearing our cross without complaining, and living in victory over anything by faith, the Holy Spirit bears more fruits that remain, and God's Kingdom keeps advancing!
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, because Your death, burial, and resurrection earned the right to redeem my soul.
Please bring the Glorious Sign of Your 
Divine presence to stay in this, Your Temple, so that I too can walk with authority, even as my spirit is renewed with Your Holy Spirit, to live eternally for You,

From John 2:18-19


We should always be patient while we remain steadfast in God's service, and hopeful for the fulfillment of His words in our lives; for He has made us His own, and equipped us for the advancement of His Kingdom, so that we may bring joy to others as we experience the beauty of His awesome wonders and the perfection of His works, in due time (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11). Still, it's necessary to be prepared for the hour of God's manifestation, so that we may receive His abundant Grace (John 7:6 & 8). 
So, while we thirst for the manifestation of His awesome wonders, we should keep building up our faith in Christ Jesus,  through constant affirmation of His eternal Word, as if drinking the new wine of His blood, seeking time daily to meditate on His body broken for us, as if chewing on true soul food carefully, so that we may fully experience the gift of life and testify of His goodness to all, as vessels of His great and mighty works.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, Eternal Father, for Your Word is Faithful and True, giving me a blessed assurance of the glorious manifestation of Your promises in my life - in due time,

From John 2:3-4


Our humble faith in Christ Jesus, allows the Word of God to grant us more grace to Divinely experience His great and mighty works, through revelations and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in and around us - His faithfuls (Gen. 28:12). This keeps us Strengthened for greater works, taking place through us as vessels of His glory, commissioned for advancing His Kingdom on Earth, as long as we are alive.
Furthermore, we should ensure the continuous growth of our faith by constantly affirming and meditating on His Word - testifying of His great and mighty works, which also encourages others - and we will always be in communion with Him in the Spirit received, while we visualize His Words coming to fulfillment in our lives, as Heirs of God, adopted in because of Christ Jesus, who has ascended into Heaven and is coming down the same Way (Acts 1:8-11).
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus, thank You for the manifestation of Your great and marvelous works in my life, which give me a Divine experience of Your Love and continuous presence which becomes evident to all, even as I remain equipped in the Spirit for Your glory, in Your Holy Name,

From John 1:49-51


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - the revelation of God's Love in person - is preferred before any Minister, and should be honoured above every vessel ministering in His name; "for, in Him, all things consist," as the Word of God (John 1:1-3 & Colossians 1:17). Besides, our hope and faith should always rest on Christ's work alone; of whom we were called and baptized in His Name, not to idolize any "man of God," but see them as vessels of clay, used for God's glory.
Moreover, "He who comes from Heaven is above all," being the wholeness of God - full of Grace and Truth (John 3:31). So, we should always love and honor Him as our LORD and His Glory mustn't be shared or given to any earthen vessel because we are all vessels created to carry His glory, and as Jesus did not seek His own glory, it is not good for us to pursue praise of our own (Prov. 25:27 & Matt. 6).
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Jesus Christ, for my hope is in You, and my faith lies in no other but You. Even when I receive revelations through Your chosen vessels; You will forever remain my God and Messiah of my Soul!
Thank You for loving me always, and I drink deeply of Your Spirit, asking You to teach Your Church to love You above all while loving those we see around us, before night comes;

From John 1:26-27


Jesus Christ, the Word of God, declares Him; living as His true image and only begotten Son, the Revelation of God in the flesh has been made visible for mankind to experience His compassionate Love (John 1:14 & 3:16). Even then, no man has seen God, because He is Spirit; "nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son" who is in the bosom of the Father (Exodus 33:20 & Matthew 11:27).
Therefore, by receiving God's Word into our hearts, we are made a vessel of His glory, commissioned to declare the Truth in Love, while we abide in Him and He in us, that we may continuously bear fruits that remain in God's Kingdom, as His faithful ambassadors.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the revelation of your Word in my life, which gives me a better understanding of your Divine and eternal existence, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who abides in me - declaring your glory to all, for the advancement of Your Kingdom in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 1:18


The eternal existence of Jesus Christ has being, even before the creation of Heaven and Earth - for, "He is before all things, and in Him all things consist," being the source of all that is good, as the Word of God (John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:17). His incarnation as the Son of Man reveals our Heavenly Father's love, grace, and faithfulness to His own, that we may be redeemed from sin and condemnation by His death, timely burial, and resurrection, to abide at Peace in His presence, as Heirs of His Kingdom.
Therefore while it is day, we who remain should keep proclaiming the Good News of Salvation in Christ Jesus with true knowledge of God's Love, reaching out to all, and being faithful witnesses of the Light - bearing fruits that last for the LORD's glory. This is our Christ's-calling and identity as Sons and Daughters of God advancing our Father's Kingdom, which has no end.
PRAYER: Thank you Eternal Father, for calling and accepting me in Jesus' as a Witness of Your Word, identified to bear more fruits that remain for Your glory, while I continuously disciple souls for the Kingdom of Heaven;

From John 1:15


As a result of the influence of the devil on the sons of men, diverting their attention from God's Word, who reveals the true nature of Elohim - the Great I Am That I Am, YHWH - many lack the right knowledge of Him, or want to know what has not been fully revealed, and make themselves known, though unfinished. Yet, as we receive Him into our hearts, and constantly meditate in His Word, the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit will give us a Divine understanding of Christ, through whom all things were made by Him, and for Him, that we may live for Jesus' glory as Sons and Daughters of God (1 Corinthians 8:6, & 13:12, Hebrews 1:2).
However, rejecting God's Word even when proclaimed in love, reveals one's denial of His Divine reign over every life, and this rebel drifts away from the LORD'S saving Grace, leading to death (Luke 19:14 & 27). Still, as ambassadors of Christ, we shouldn't relent in our Christ's calling, first to those closest to us, that the mindset of mankind who is far away from the LORD, may be renewed and the knowledge of the Good News may give light to their understanding, for God's Salvation of needy souls.
PRAYER: Thank you, Ever-loving Father, for the Divine knowledge of Your Word, which reveals Your Love and grants me a better understanding of Your presence in my life - being a vessel of Your glorious works in Christ Jesus,

From John 1:10-11


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...