Showing posts with label Conduct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conduct. Show all posts


We should always remain committed to God through His Son, Jesus Christ - the Author and Finisher of our Faith - so that, no matter how comfortable it seems we should be with all happening around us, we will not be distracted from our Christ's calling by telling twisted stories of the sinful past we've been saved from nor promoting people we know aren't totally reliable. This is made possible, as we continuously meditate on our Maker and affirm His words, which give us a better understanding of who we can trust in, and our identity as Children of the Divine who lean into Jesus and His own for strength, so that we may ever remain zealous to love God and display the difference this has made to our favored souls.
Therefore, let's be more focused on fulfilling our Heavenly mandate, putting first the Kingdom of God, as we endlessly strive to bring more souls for Jesus to cleanse - discipling them for the Divine commitment of being fruitful as Heirs of our Father in Heaven.
PRAYER: Thank You, Eternal Father and Glorious LORD, for I am Divinely committed to doing my best today, for Your Glory, through Christ who lives in me, having been empowered by the Holy Spirit, to advance Your Kingdom; I also look forward to knowing You fully someday, in the face of Christ Jesus,
Amen (1 Cor 13:12).

From John 2:24-25


We should always remain zealously determined to live for Christ as His Body, taking up the cross for others and carrying out the will of the Father on Earth as it is in Heaven; for this is our Christ's calling and by so doing, our Identity as Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus is revealed. We who are revitalized by His Spirit will be consumed with swiftly and completely doing what is right, in love for God and humanity, so that we may live to the fulfillment of His goodwill towards all. Even though, because of this, we are insulted as if we should be ashamed of being too radical, we must always live passionately for Christ, and His Eternal Love will permanently prevail over all evils (Psalm 69:9, Romans 8:37).
So, let's remain steadfastly focused on our Christ's calling - being resolved to advance God's Kingdom in love, and we will never be destroyed, as chosen vessels of God, consecrated to subdue the Kingdom of darkness, as ambassadors of Christ.
PRAYER: Thank You, Christ Jesus and Glorious LORD, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps me zealously prepared to meet You and determined to bear more fruits - discipling them for the advancement of Your Kingdom; please protect me from distractions, with Your Peace,

From John 2:17


God's house is a place of worship, and shouldn't be exploited as a marketplace nor is the true Church a money-making organization.
This is so that believers may not be misguided, having contradicting thoughts about true worship and Salvation in Christ Jesus, who obediently brought tithes yet offered our Holy Father much more than His poor parents could give up to approach One so worthy; out of pure love, becoming the Lamb and ultimate sacrifice, giving us eternal Life. Worrying more about profit-making in the Church as a Priest, leads to one taking advantage of sincere believers, and he himself losing focus on his Christ's calling, rejecting his Christ's identity as a Minister consecrated to disciple members of the Body of Christ, preparing them as Sons and Daughters of God, for the Great Harvest.
Therefore, let's focus first on seeking the Kingdom of God, while we continuously strive to disciple and encourage believers, bringing to their understanding that, self-sacrifice comes with a Divine reward from the LORD, but taking advantage of the sincerity of believers for selfish gains, finally become poorer than the poor in this world are made. With the goal of being right with the LORD, we will always remain highly favored by God, lacking nothing needed, both materially and spiritually, to live for Christ, as His faithful ambassadors on Earth.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for gracefully choosing me to serve in Your Vineyard - consecrated to declare the Truth, that men may realize and repent, lifting You first as their priority and Treasure over worldly wealth and riches, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 2:16


Being useful for God's glory requires obedience to His Divine will, that we may live to fulfill our Christ's calling - expanding His Kingdom, as we continuously bear fruits that remain - for His glory. As Jesus was sent with authority, we should be motivated likewise by love, to always be at His beck and call, ready to serve Him humbly in Truth and in the Spirit, which reveals our Christ's identity as faithful servants of God - called and chosen to do the will of the Father on Earth, as it is in Heaven (Rom 10:15 & Matt. 6:10). 
Being faithfully obedient to the LORD, makes us vessels of His Divine manifestation, used for His great and marvelous works - compassionate to all, so that the mindsets of the Sons of Men may be rekindled for Christ - the Light of the World. So, as Bondservants of Christ, called to declare the Truth for the Salvation of souls before our Master returns, we should "work heartily," so that we may remain graciously favored to inherit His Divine blessings, even as blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power and might belong to Him, forever (Col. 3:22-24 & Rev. 7:12).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for allowing me to be of service to You - in obedience to Your Divine will, that I may gracefully live to the fulfillment of my Christ's Calling, as an Heir of Your Kingdom; in Your Holy Name,

From John 2:5


The true nature of a man can never be hidden from God, for He is Omniscient, knowing the inner thoughts of all His creation, looking through our outward characters, hidden behind like leaves. Even called as we are, His Word spoken over us, makes us mature, kindly convicting of any identity fallen from faith, while guiding all who come to the table, to partake anew of True Living Bread. As we remain dedicated to our Faithful Christ, having a pure heart to reflect Our Father's Love, we will always enjoy seeing the goodness of His abundant Grace, Love, and compassion - showering His favor on others the world does not pity (Psalm 73:1 & Hebrews 4).
Furthermore, as we live in light for the spotless Lamb, having no deceit in our hearts, we will forever remain blessed both on Earth and in Heaven with Him, where our treasures are safely kept (Psalm 32:2). So, let's never stop being honest and just in all our ways, that our true identity in Christ may be made known, even as we uphold our Christ-calling - bearing unfading fruits into God's Kingdom, which abides forever.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for revealing my true identity in Christ, by whom I've been sanctified for your Glory, that more souls may experience Your unconditional love for people everywhere, and come to repentance in Christ Jesus - Your Son,

From John 1:47-48


No matter the condition or situation we find ourselves in life, we should always remain committed as a living sacrifice solely to the LORD, from the depth of our hearts, with all our strength and might. This is necessary, for our lives and timely existence on the surface of the Earth are due to His unconditional love and grace over us, as our Creator and Heavenly Father.
Although trials may arise, challenging our faith and identity in Christ, as we live to the fulfillment of Christ's Calling and purpose for our lives, we will never lose our eternal inheritance, as Heirs of the Father.
PRAYER:​ In Jesus' name, LORD, thank You, for my spirit lies in Your hands, even as I remain committed to Your service - having been redeemed by Your Word;

From Luke 23:46


One's desire to meet a vessel of God, ministering in Christ Jesus, shouldn't be only to satisfy his curiosity. Rather, it should be for the Divine experience of God's presence, revealed through His Ordained and chosen vessel, whose identity in Christ Jesus is made known by the glorious works of the LORD in his life, even as he lives anew, to the fulfillment of his Christ's Calling.
This is necessary, for many desire the show of a miracle more than the testimony of its Divine impact on their lives spiritually. Selfish pride in the flesh, and a fat heart which God sees, keep them far away from the LORD, even while they dwell amidst the congregation of His people.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father, for making me overcome the lust of the flesh, with the fervent desire to be in Your presence, even as You strengthen me with the will of the Spirit, to live for Your glory, in Your Holy Name;

From Luke 23:8


Every Christian should know where he is going; where he will spend his eternity, and be focused on it at all times. Though, knowing this and living to attain it comes with trials; yet, as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, focused on His destiny and not on His pain or suffering - we should endeavor to do the same; because we've been empowered by the Holy Spirit to do so (John 3:5, Acts 2).
Also, as we remain focused on our Divine destination to be united with the saints in Heaven; revealing our Christ identify to the world, even as we endlessly bear more fruits for God's Kingdom, we will surely be received up into Heaven by Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith, on the last day.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for I am destined to be with the saints in Heaven, as I remain dedicated and focused on my Christ's Calling - bearing fruits that remains for Your glory in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 22:69


God's Kingdom never promotes physical violence; rather, it encourages patience and peaceful co-existence, because it's not of this world. Although, it's existing on the surface of the Earth as the church; still, it is established in love for the unity of brethren in the Body of Christ, which pleases the LORD (Psalm 133:1).
Therefore, as Heirs of the Father, we should always remain Peacemakers, no matter the situation we find ourselves; discouraging physical violence as ambassadors of Christ, graced with enduring heart's - placing our challenges before the LORD in prayers, for vengeance belongs to Him, and we will ever remain triumphantly victorious; over the rulers of darkness and spiritual host of wickedness in Jesus' name (Psalm 94:1, Matthew 5:9, Ephesians 6:12).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ - the Prince of Peace; for your presence in my life, as made me an ambassadors of Peace, being graced with an enduring Spirit to overcome every violence - influenced by the kingdom of darkness, with Your unconditional love dwelling in my heart,

From Luke 22:49-51


The betrayal of a loved one only manifest what had been lurking in his heart - exposing his true nature and pretense towards another. Though, he might have been showing false love; yet, it's only for selfish reasons, which ends up hurting others who truly love him.
Furthermore, every betrayal usually comes as a wolf in sheep clothing; seeing another as a prey to feast on - having been influenced by the devil, through his selfish desires for lustful gain. So, let's strengthen our faith in God through His Word, which reveals His Truth and Love, compassionately to all, that our hearts may not fail; whenever we are being betrayed because "faithful are the words of friend but the kiss of an enemy are deceitful (Proverbs 27:6).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father, for the grace and strength to overcome, through Your Word and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit who lives in me,

From Luke 22:48.


Our service to God and man, should always be in humility; loving our neighbors as ourselves, no matter our position of edification in the LORD'S vineyard, for Christ Himself took the form of a Bondservant; to serve and gave His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28, Philippians 2:7). By so doing, we remain deserving of the Greatest Love; being uplifted to a position of glory.
Furthermore, as we receive and serve all who come in the name of the LORD, discriminating no one; still, revealing the love of the Father in humility, we may appear to be the least amongst our pears; even so, we will be grealy uplifted by our Heavenly Father (Luke 9:48).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for making me a Bondservant in Your Vineyard, through the glorious call of Salvation, and the Great Commission, to declare the Gospel to all in humility for the redemption of souls in Jesus' name;

From Luke 22:25-27


Our obedience to God's Word, Jesus Christ, takes us to the place of fulfilment; for, His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, that leads to eternal life, joy, peace, and fulfilled hope (Ps 119:105).
Although the Word of God never fails, the disobedience of the Sons of men towards their Christ's Calling, forsaking the purpose of their existence as God's Creation - destined to advance God's Kingdom by harkening to His Word - creates obstructions and causes delay in the fulfillment of His prophetic declaration over their lives. Still, as His chosen ones truly listen, eager to act on His refreshing Word, in love, repentance, and total submission, still open in prayer as to the way to follow, more guidance is provided with blessing in this life and the one to come; for, all things will work together for our ultimate good: according to His Divine purpose (Romans 8:28).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for the glorious call of Salvation, graced with a humble Spirit to live in obedience according to your Word, for our good, in Your Holy Name,

From Luke 22:8-13


Let's keep ourselves away from every distraction holding us from being actively involved in the advancement of God's Kingdom, so that we may ever remain prepared; not burdened about life on Earth, which is certainly short for every person, but for the glorious coming of Christ. This is necessary, for He is coming to save, at an unexpected hour - unknown to anyone (Matthew 24:42-44, Luke 12:40).
"Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober," spiritually, at all times; "for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 6). Since the end of all things draws nearer; we shouldn't relent in prayers, even as we remain vigilant in the Spirit, as faithful Stewards, awaiting the coming of the Lord (1 Peter 4:7).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Gracious LORD and Ever-loving Father; for your Divine presence in our lives, keeps us readily prepared for the second coming of your Son - Jesus Christ, our Lord!

From Luke 21:34-35


While rendering our selfless service, wealth, or riches to the LORD, for the advancement of God's Kingdom - done willingly from the depths of our hearts, as sacrificial offerings solely to our Heavenly Father, we will surely remain Divinely, increasingly blessed. Doing this, either from the abundance of God's provision, or by surrendering our all to Him, requires love, the perfect bond of unity, and selfless sacrifice - "for, if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have." (Col 3:14 & 2 Cor 8:12)
Furthermore, our giving shouldn't be done grudgingly nor clouded with doubt; rather, it should be done faithfully, in love to the Father, so that it may be accepted as a sacrificial offering before His throne.
PRAYER: Thank you, ever-loving Father, for giving me a soft heart to compassionately share with others out of the abundance of your great provisions, even as I sacrifice all for the advancement of your glorious Kingdom, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 21:1-4


All power belongs to the LORD and we fear no other. Even so, while honoring our Heavenly Father, as His Beloved Sons and Daughters, consecrated to advance His Kingdom in Christ Jesus, we should also be respectful towards governing authorities, for they've been appointed by God (Romans 13:1).
Furthermore, as we submit to every necessary authority for Christ's sake,  the purpose of our Calling will never fail to be established, while those with evil intentions will definitely be put to silence, before our eyes, even if we don't seek vengeance on Earth (1 Peter 2:13-15.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, thank you, Heavenly Father, for granting me the grace to remain submissive to your Divine will, even as I am being led by the Holy Spirit to render respect and honor to all made in His image;

From Luke 20:25


Our stewardship as laborers in the LORD'S vineyard, is strictly for His glory. Even so, when a selfish motive is conceived and brought to actualization while in service, one's priestly authority and spiritual status could be taken away by LORD, who appoints His own.
Furthermore, selfishness in a man's life makes him deviate from the purpose of Christ's Calling, leading to the Divine replacement of his station by our Heavenly Father, whose servants' works can't be stopped; rather, by our faith in Jesus, we remain active beyond death of the body.
So, let's remain faithful and just in  rendering our service to the LORD, giving no room for lustful and selfish desires, that our souls may be well prepared for the glorious harvest, as truly humble laborers in His vineyard.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, my God, thank you for graciously placing me in a position of service in your vineyard, that there may be a great harvest of souls on the second coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord;

From Luke  20:9-16


Our Calling as Christians, is to serve and commune with the LORD, through  selfless service, prayers and - solely to the glory and praise of His Majesty.
This makes us vessels of God, and Temples of His glorious presence. Where offerings of praise, worship, and honor are being raised to the Heavens, we should not expect to profit on Earth in the flesh although we may be fed and clothed, set free and healed - straight from the throne of our God above.
Our body is the temple of God, and it shouldn't be defiled by the lustful desires for wealth, power, and riches of this present world - for they are basically vanities, which distract one's attention from the purpose of his Christ's Calling. Rather, we should always place God first in all we do, freeing our thoughts from love of vanities; instead loving others, that we may remain focused on giving glory to the name of the LORD, as His consecrated House of Prayers, together.
 PRAYER: Heavenly LORD, and Gracious Father, blessed be your Holy name! 
for your presence in my life has made me a vessel of glorious works - assigned to bring sacrifices of praise in thanksgiving, and true communion to your Throne in Christ Jesus;

 From Luke 19:46


Every talent, gift, and position bestowed upon us, as favors and blessings from the LORD, are meant for Jesus' acclaim. He showed the Way and makes us useful in the LORD'S Vineyard, as true Stewards of the Gospel of God's Salvation from death.
So, we all, as not only humans with breath, but Christians, equipped with the full armor of God, and given various talents, need to practice and build each other up, passionate about our pursuit for the Salvation of souls - bearing fruits that remain, for His glory.
Moreover, rejecting our Beloved Christ's Calling, or refusing to be useful for God's service - hiding gifts and talents could lead to the loss of more than what one thinks they are endowed with. Yet, as we make ourselves go forth with what we've gained, more talents and gifts will be gracefully added to our lives.
PRAYER: Heavenly LORD and Gracious Father, thank you for making me useful in your Vineyard, as a vessel of Love; may I remain equipped until the end, to advance your Kingdom in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 19:26


Being unjust, with wicked intentions towards another, makes a man speak out with pride - arrogantly, from the fullness of His own heart. This inflicts God's judgment upon him, for every word that comes out of the depth of a man's heart, either acquits or condemns him (Matthew 12:37).
Blaming others, or putting them below oneself before Judgment Day, he may be deceived into forgetting that the party who is wrong, is himself. Until he gets right with God, beginning with a holy fear of punishment actualized in His Son, he remains unfruitful, apart from the perfect will of an awesome Master, who longs to call us, Friends.
Therefore, as God's Sons and Daughters, saved by Grace through the Blood of the Lamb, which completely cleans our conscience, we should remain: humble to walk away from evil, true to our Calling in Christ Jesus, remembering the Way He obeyed His Father, and likewise proclaiming the Gospel in love freely, for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Eternal Father, the just God, thank you for granting me the Spirit of humility, by which I ask for Wisdom from above. Through the knowledge of your Word, I receive the greatest Love poured out for me to be made innocent, that I may remain faithfully committed to my Calling to love, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 19:22


Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of all things, for His glory, appreciates all who faithfully serve Him in Truth and in the Spirit. While Jesus is preparing us a permanent place, He knows how greatly to entrust each person, having told us to receive the Word, which Our Father sent, and keep His commandments (John 14). He never fails to reward anyone who diligently serves Him, for every effort made to glorify His name, and advance His Kingdom, comes with His Divine and eternal reward - received both spiritually and physically, in measures beyond our imagination, for all to see and testify of His goodness!
So, let's endeavor to remain faithful and not deviate from the purpose of our Calling, working as to the LORD, so that there will be no loss to ourselves, yet remain deserving of His eternal reward as true ambassadors of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Dear LORD, Everlasting-Father, you never fail to reward all who faithfully serve you in Truth and in the Spirit; blessed be your Holy name. I'm highly favored to be of service in your Vineyard,

From Luke 19:17


Every Christian Minister who is faithfully committed to His Calling in Christ Jesus, serving as a channel manifesting God's Grace, Love,...