Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts


God's Divine presence, sustained in our lives as His chosen vessels called and ordained for His glorious works, will never be hidden; rather it will surely be revealed to everyone who lives on earth in due time, through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, who is the Divine witness of God's Love among us. This is known through our Christ-like qualities, expressed in humility, as a fire is lit and fed in its place, even as we walk in the righteousness of Yeshua, to fulfill the Father's will by proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation through our honest character and spoken words of Truth, seasoned graciously with Love, proceeding from our hearts.
Also, this unique behavioral characteristic attracts many who still dwell in darkness, seeking integrity, the Light of freedom, and Redeeming Grace, which truly delivers all who will see us, who are unashamed to be called the Sons and Daughters of Abba YHWH, as the Light of Salvation, because the presence of Christ Himself lives in us, through the Holy Spirit. Yet, we are only earthen vessels of Light, Commissioned to advance God's Kingdom as true ambassadors of the King of Kings.
PRAYER: Thank you JEHOVAH 'ORI, The LORD My Light, for your presence in us through the Holy Spirit, reveals who we are in Christ Jesus, bearing witness of your Divine presence in us, as true vessels of your glorious works, assigned for the purpose of advancing your Kingdom in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 11:33


All who obediently harken to the glorious call of Salvation, and remain submissive to the will of the Father; revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ, are divinely blessed, favored and precious in the eyes of the LORD, as vessels in His hands. True vessels of God dwell in the glory and grace of the LORD, because they work obediently by faith in Christ Jesus, for they are not religious observers, and not merely listeners of God's Word, but they act on it, by becoming living testimonies of His glorious works; this makes them uniquely different from the sons of men who have not received Mercy.
Also, this makes us both spiritually and physically productive, being sanctified to remain fruitful in every aspect of our lives, even as we continue to live for Christ, fulfilling the Father's will by advancing God's Kingdom through our manners with one another, and speaking the Gospel of Truth, which we proclaim to individuals compassionately, as ambassadors of Christ, together destined for God's glory.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for Calling and counting us worthy of being your vessels, assigned to live for your glory, through walking in the divine presence of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us; testifying of your Grace and Anointing, through Jesus Christ, our Lord,

From Luke 11:27-28


Being faithful Christians, we are Strengthened by the LORD, empowered and graced with Divine strength and authority in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to bring down strongholds; we are armed to subdue the forces of darkness, even as we remain secure in the Hands of God. Yet, we mustn't give the devil a chance; for he's restless, seeking for ways to activate the weakness of the flesh of men, in order to separate them from The Great I Am, stealing their souls for himself by breaking the Divine connection between Man and God, through his deceptive ways and fellow demons.
Therefore, when we are weak, we should boast, and endeavor to remain strong in the LORD, Strengthened by His Holy Spirit, through the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by constantly meditating in His Word, affirming it daily, and wielding it wisely, even while we pray continually, that we may always abide in Him, as He dwells in us; for, we are the Redeemed of the Lord, in all things Overcomers, and more than Conquerors, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for the strength you've given us, which abides in us through the presence of the Holy Spirit, for this has made us greater than he that is in the world, as Overcomers who are strengthened in Christ Jesus, so be it!

From Luke 11:21-22


Our Holy Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I AM, always answers the prayers of the righteous in Christ Jesus, and will never fail to meet believers at the point of their needs, for He is the covenant-keeping God. We are highly favored and blessed to walk in His righteousness, through Christ our Lord, who is the righteousness of God, the Father Almighty, and this makes us His beloved Sons and Daughters by faith in the One who first loved us.
Therefore, we have been brought back into His presence, and all who ask of the Father, in humility through Christ, in due time His Holy Spirit will definitely be granted to us, and every prayer will be heard, because our Heavenly Father's Love for us is greater than any other ever seen, experienced, or imagined, and He is the Good Shepherd who never forsakes one of His own.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for always being there for us; Your love for us is beyond human comprehension, and this has made all our supplications brought before you in prayers, to be answered by grace, through your Son, Jesus Christ,

From Luke 11:13


Though our Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I Am sees our present situation, knows our hearts' desires, and understands our feelings, answering prayers before we consciously call upon Him, and while we pray He hears us in the Righteous person of Jesus; Yet, we need to remain persistent in prayers, asking for that which we need to glorify Him, seeking for Him, through constant meditation on His glorious Word, that we may continue to abide in His presence through the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us, and gives a better understanding of God's Righteousness.
Also, we should never relent in knocking on the door of His Divine and abundant favor, grace and sustenance, because we all need these to withstand and overcome every trial and temptation that may come our way.
Moreover, the LORD is a loving, caring and compassionate Father, who always harkens to our voice, granting all our sincere and unselfish desires, welcoming all who seek Him in humility, giving them a better understanding of His good will towards men, and never fails to open the door as the Good Shepherd, to all who knock diligently and fervently, that they may continue to enjoy Divine peace and abundant grace, which He alone provides.
PRAYER: Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God who never forsakes us, even in times of need, we come through Your Son; for whenever we ask, seek, and knock, you are always there to answer, show us the way, and open the door of grace and favor for us.
O' LORD, be thou glorified in Jesus'name,

From Luke 11:9-10


Being faithful Christians and true Disciples of Christ, we are blessed to feel and experience Christ through the Gospel and the Divine manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Though, the first Twelve Apostles and Disciples of Christ had personal experiences with Him, many Old Testament Prophets looked forward to the fulfilment of the Old Covenant, which in their absence, later was satisfied by Christ Himself; even so, we are highly favored to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us equipped to live for Christ, as His true ambassadors.
We are especially blessed because we believe Him, even without setting eyes on the flesh descended from King David's. When a verse is shared, unlike other quotes we may see digitally, hear in oral form, or touch on a page held by one who perceives there is more to understand, the power to change lives is present as the Holy Spirit gives new perception of The Word, bringing it to life in a willing vessel, open just enough for Love to enter at the perfect time for the One True God to Save.
So, let's not relent in using this graceful privilege given to us, to live victoriously for our Forever Friend Jesus, that we may continue to advance God's Kingdom, even as we bear more fruits, by gaining more souls for His glory, in the face of Christ.
PRAYER: LORD, Blessed Redeemer, thank you for the grace given us, to sense your Divine presence within and around us, through identifying your Son, Jesus Christ, by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us safe as citizens of your Heavenly Kingdom, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 10:23-24


There is no man born of a woman, who has ever seen God in His glory and majesty, except Jesus Christ the only begotten Son and image of God, who came from Heaven for the Salvation of men. He is the only one who reveals, through the Holy Spirit, the deep things of God to all who are obediently submissive to His Word and Divine will.
Therefore, as Christians, willing to know more about God, we need to be more spiritually devoted to our Calling, by constantly meditating on God's Word, affirming it daily, that the Holy Spirit may continue to give us a better understanding of the Father, through His exact likeness, Jesus Christ His Son and the Bride whom, being guided willingly, is receiving the revelation.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the revelation of your Word, Jesus Christ, who declares your presence in our lives, and brings your Kingdom through the Holy Spirit, which gives us hope as we hold on steadfastly to our faith in Christ Jesus your Son,


Our full submission to the will of God in the most humble example, Christ Jesus, brings us closer to the Father, through the free gift of His Holy Spirit; for, He is pleased to reveal His Divine Truth to we who desire a lifetime of unwrapping His Living Word, which gives light to all who confess they dwell in darkness, asking for their stone-tablet hearts to be rolled away by the Son, who by laying His life down, has authority to pick it up again. Only they who, having the fear of God, will humble themselves and faithfully hide His Word in their hearts, are blessed with the Grace to receive the revelation of Truth in Christ Jesus, for; "The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, and He will teach them His covenant."
Moreover, Divine Truth will always remain hidden from the from those who are too arrogant to seek, and proud of their short lives, thinking they are wise in their own understanding; yet the Holy Spirit will continue daily to reveal the deep things our hearts long to understand maturely, as we ask God through His Son Jesus Christ, to all who are found fully in communion with Him, as the Father wills.

PRAYER: LORD, the Omniscient God, thank you for revealing the truth of your Kingdom and Salvation in Christ Jesus to us, through your Word, by the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the heart of the humble and faithful, in Christ Jesus,

from Luke 10:21


Every Child of God and faithful Christian, called and chosen to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, ordained and assigned to declare the Goodnews of God's Kingdom to all nations, for the Salvation of souls, has been given the power and authority to subdue the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness, that they may always stand triumphantly victorious over the deceptive ways of the devil. Moreover, this Divine authority also serves as a shield of protection. Thereby, faithful Christians, living the life of Christ, walking in His righteousness alone, are able to fulfill the Father's will by advancing God's Kingdom, even as we break barriers, overcome mountains, cross over valleys, and go through seas and oceans to reach more souls, in order to bear more fruits for God's glory, without being hurt, despite experiencing compassion for those pained by venomous attacks.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for granting us the grace, power and authority to overcome in Christ Jesus,


The grace given to us as Sons and Daughters of God, favored with the Great Commission to preach, as we declare the Goodnews of Salvation to all, has made us untouchable to the dieties of darkness and feared by forces of wickedness. The Holy Spirit makes even demonic powers and spirits subjected or submissive to obeying us; being chosen vessels of God, ordained for His glory and assigned to do the will of our Father, through Christ who lives in us.
Also, as we are being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ, revealing His love, even as we live compassionately with all who we come across in life, the Light of God, Jesus Christ Himself, will be seen in us, and the glory of the Father of our faith will serve as a protective shield upon us, that no harm would befall us, because we received the Anointing of God, still precious in His eyes.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages; for all authority belongs to you, and by Your Grace, we have been given the authority to declare the Goodnews of Salvation, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, which makes even demons to be subject to Christ in us, revealing your presence which can never be challenged, yet remains the highest authority in Heaven and on Earth.
May your Name be glorified forevermore,


The Divine manifestation of God's presence, seen through His marvelous and miraculous works done in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, and Blessed Redeemer, by the Holy Spirit living through we, vessels of His Divine will, is the revelation of His Kingdom reign approaching, even over the Earth. With this, through faith in Christ Jesus, we have the grace to heal the sick, and declare the Kingdom of Christ's rule to all whom we are ministering to; though earthen and weak, we are consecrated temples of God's Spirit, because of allowing His Divine presence first place in our lives.
Also, redemption that is in Christ Jesus, makes many justified freely by faith, and favored to see the Light, which reveals the Way of Truth and righteousness leading to Salvation - union with God's Son; for, this gives them a Divine opportunity to repent from an old mindset, that they may become in rightstanding with God, walking in the realm of the anointed King. Those who endure, are to be crowned with life, and white garments will cover their souls, as Jesus has paid for access to healing leaves from the Tree of Life.
PRAYER:Thank you LORD, Jehovah, for the grace given to us, to declare your Kingdom reign, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to heal physical and spiritual sickness, as we help relieve others, to the glory of Christ Jesus,


As ambassadors of Christ, we need to always remain peaceful, declaring it with love to all, even as we proclaim the Goodnews of Salvation in Christ Jesus; for, He is the Prince of Peace, and the Gospel which we proclaim in His name, is for the restoration of peace in the hearts of men; giving them hope of eternity in God's Kingdom, refreshing their souls with the Word of God, that their spirit may remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, for the Salvation of their souls.
This has made us God's own children, and brethren with Christ; for, "blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called Children of God."
Moreover, if you are not received or welcomed by those whom you are to declare the Truth to, don't be discouraged, for the blessings and peace of the LORD, which the Word of God brings, will rest upon you. Yet, those who welcome you, receiving the gospel which you proclaim, will surely be saved, and the peace of the LORD, which surpasses all understanding, will definitely abide with them, giving them hope of eternity with Christ, in God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we praise you for giving us the grace to declare peace, even as we proclaim the gospel of Christ to all in love, that all who welcome us, from the depths of their hearts, recieving the Goodnews that we bring, may also receive peace, even as they are blessed with eternal life in Christ Jesus,


The presence of Christ in *Believers, rebukes the forces of darkness, and overpowers the unclean spirits serving as strongholds, barriers or obstructions against the fulfilment of our purpose in life, as Children of God, created for His good works, that we may remain redeemed and restored, to the glory of God. This ensures Divine healing is seen before men and well-known physicians, as a miracle done only by the LORD, which gives room for our testimony; declaring the marvelous works of God, who loves every person.
Therefore, let's remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, that the Divine presence of Christ in us, will continue to keep us free to overcome the forces of darkness, being restored to the splendid glory of the Father, in His Majesty, Christ Jesus, graced with peace to enjoy now, and hope of eternal life.
PRAYER: Thank you, Jehovah Rapha'El, for your healing power and restoring grace, which keep us free from infirmities, and Strengthened to live Holy, for your glory, testifying of God's goodness to all, in Jesus' name,


The manifold grace and presence of God in one's life, declares Who He Is, in the body of Christ; revealing His love and compassionate will to all around him, as a chosen vessel of God's goodwill towards men, we are Ordained to fulfill the Word of the LORD, through the purpose of our Calling, which is solely to advance God's Kingdom, by bearing fruits for His glory, in the Love of Christ Jesus.
So, let's not relent in our service to the LORD, yet remain steadfastly committed to our Calling in Christ Jesus, that we may continue to live for God's glory, fulfilling the will of our Father, as we advance His Kingdom and glory, by the declaration of His Word, revealed through our character, and the words of our mouths, as true Christians.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for choosing to Divinely transform us, for your glory, to touch lives with the knowledge of your Word, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; that ears hear again, and eyes may be opened, to see the Truth and Light of God, for the redemption of more souls, made innocent in Your Son, Jesus,


We are blessed as Christians, to behold, experience, and continue to live in the Kingdom reign of Christ, made manifest through the Divine presence of the Holy Spirit in us, that we may have the Divine understanding of the deep things of God. We live by His statutes, revealed according to His Word, like Christ; disciples are now graced with boldness to share the Good News with others, to the glory of the Father of lights, seen in Christ Jesus.
With this, we are mandated, as a chosen generation, called and ordained to live for Christ, experiencing His Kingdom reign as members of His body, sharing the testimony with all who are still blind to Salvation in Christ Jesus, that they may come into the realization that there is no other way to the Father YHWH, except through the Son, whose presence is felt through the Divine Anointing of the Holy Spirit, in one's life.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Everlasting Father, for your Kingdom reign, manifest in our lives by the Holy Spirit, which makes us remain alive, as witnesses to your glory, in Christ Jesus,


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, is powerful and comes with authority, even as He resides in all whom He chooses as His vessels, called for His glory, to proclaim Himself to all who need God's Salvation. Also,  Divine grace multiplies and sustains all who receive and abide in Him, that they may not lack, yet remain supernaturally favored and blessed to have more in store to share with all who are in need, to the glory of our Father.
Therefore, you need not to worry as a Christian, for you are highly favored as the apple of His eyes, and whatever you find to do with your hands, which is not against the love for God and man, will surely remain Divinely blessed. You can excel in all your endeavors as a successful and progressive child of God, moving and growing in the presence of the LORD, and in the glory of His Majesty, because you received and abide in His Word, Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, who super-abundantly sustains all who believe and trust in Him as the great provider, Jehovah Jireh, who sees to it.
PRAYER: Thank you YHWH Jireh, for your grace and presence in our lives has made us Divinely blessed, being highly favored through your Word, who sustains us with the Divine provision which we need to remain in your presence, being fit and worthy as your chosen vessels, called for glory in Jesus' Name,


As we endlessly seek the face of the LORD, keeping ourselves preserved for His glory, through constant meditation of His Word, abiding by it, even as we constantly affirm it to strengthen our faith in Christ, we will remain vessels of His glorious works, anointed in the Light, for His service.
Moreover, the Word of God, Jesus Christ, whom we have conceived into our hearts, keeps us Strengthened through the Holy Spirit, to live for God's glory, as Overcomers, graced with Divine Anointing from the Father, so that even our presence causes confusion in the kingdom of darkness, and anyone who comes closer to us, having faith in Christ Jesus will surely be delivered.
"Since Christ is in us, we have the power to help others with their spiritual needs".
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Omnipotent God, for your presence in our lives through your Son, Jesus Christ, made manifest by the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, which breaks the yoke of the oppressed and sets the captives free, for your glory.


To us all, as Sons of God, who have been redeemed, restored, and saved by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, to the glory of the Father, we have been given a new life in Christ, to continue testifying of the LORD'S goodness shown to us, through His unconditional love, tender mercy, and compassionate heart, by declaring His great and marvelous works, shown personally in our new lives, for the Salvation of many who knew us before.
This is the purpose of our Calling, as a chosen generation; to advance God's Kingdom by living openly for Christ, and bearing fruits for God's glory, so that our loved ones may have an understanding of Salvation, repenting by retracing their steps from the path of darkness through the way of Light, which the Word of God provides for the Salvation of souls.
So, let's endeavor to remain steadfast and seize every opportunity to declare and testify of the LORD'S goodness in our lives, so that others may acknowledge that we are serving the Living God, who never forsakes His own.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer, for delivering us from the bondage and captivity of the wicked, and accepting us into your Kingdom, first the Hebrew people, also gracing us with the Great Commission to declare and testify of your marvelous works over us, to a dying World.


The divine presence of Christ, in us, terrifies the forces of darkness and subdues the strength of the wicked, making them powerless before us, as a result of our inheritance in Christ Jesus, the Spirit of Holiness, which keeps us equipt for God's glory, willing to break any barriers standing against the will of the Father, that more souls may come around to repentance, receive Christ, and be redeemed into God's Kingdom, as we diligently proclaim the gospel of Salvation to the World.
Also, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit terrifies demons, causing many who are possessed by them to plead for Mercy, as they even believe, and flee; others, who refuse to retrace their steps and keep a clean house, or body, end up being consumed, having never been re-born. They are welcoming unclean spirits again, with more vigor. Yet, as Christians, it's our privilege to remain undefiled, seek the lost sheep, and continue praying for mercy; doing our best super-naturally, that they may see the Light of the World, and be set free from the captivity of sin, and the consequential second death, enforced for the devil and his agents, who would blindfold the sons of men, even as the blind leading the blind stumble as if in chains, gnashing their teeth from Hell.
So, let's always remain steadfast and never relent from our Calling, for this is the purpose of our experience as Sons of God, chosen to declare His glory to all men, by bringing the gospel of Christ to every doorstep we are sent to, on our Way home.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your Divine presence in our lives, through the Holy Spirit, as vessels of your glorious works; we who once had not received Mercy, now chosen to declare the goodnews of Salvation, and praying that more souls may call out, to be redeemed for your glory, even as we remain Overcomers, despite the loudest force and empty manipulations of the wicked.


The divine manifestations of God's grace, power, and glory are beyond the understanding of men, and it requires our faith in His Word, Jesus Christ, graced with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to understand and live with that which is needed, for His glory to be known; someday, we will be fully known to each other. 
The wonders of God produce great fear in hearts, to bolster our faith, and amaze all who experience any marvel, yet we all as Christians, the generation chosen for His glory, need to always affirm the Source of this authority, and meditate on God's Word, living by it, that our faith may continue to grow even stronger, to the glory of the Father. We, being established as vessels of His goodwill to perform miracles, signs, and wonders in His Name, do so from submission to Jesus Christ, that many who lacked the fear of God, return to faith in Christ and receive God's gift into their lives for the Salvation of their souls, finding the comfort of the Holy Spirit to be with them, they may experience the Divine touch of the Father, feeling everlasting Love.
PRAYER: Ever-faithful Father, and Omnipotent God,
thank you for your Divine grace and power in our lives, which makes us useful vessels of your goodwill, filled with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to live for your glory, performing miracles, signs, and wonders, through your Son, Jesus Christ who lives in us.


Listening and meditating on the Word of God, Jesus Christ, helps us realize the Truth, set apart from facts and fiction, making everyone who...