Friday, March 31, 2023


We should be proud of our Calling as Christians and not be ashamed or afraid of confessing before others, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, for He is the Blessed-Redeemer of all mankind, and all power and authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to Him. We fear the Son having to disown us. Besides, it's not always enough to simply confess verbally with our mouths, for our actions of Love, speak louder than voice.
Therefore, at every opportunity given, we need to confess Jesus Christ through our character. This is specifically to please the Father, with Faith in the Son, by living as the one sent, Christ; self-sacrificing, we love that others may see and and feel the love of God, revealed by Christ who likewise lives in us, through the Holy Spirit; the hope of glory and eternal security in God's Kingdom. By being His Bride confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, He will be pleased to declare us as accepted before God and the Angels, through the Holy Spirit, who bears witness that we are brethren with Him.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for we confess that you are our personal Savior and God; in you we trust, and by your Grace, we have the blessed assurance of eternity with the saints, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:8-9

Thursday, March 30, 2023


As we continue to worship and serve the LORD faithfully, in truth and in Spirit, forsaking the lust of the flesh to live in the righteousness of Christ, we will remain precious in His eyes, as highly valued vessels of His glorious works, Commissioned to declare the Good News of Salvation to all. So, we need not fear, worry, nor be disturbed while doing God's will, like the silently sacrificed Lamb; peacefully, we keep advancing His Kingdom, even as we continue to declare the Truth, with love of God, and lovingly to all, who are counted worthy in Christ Jesus.
Though trials may come, and temptation may seem overwhelming, yet as we continue to hold fast to our faith in the LORD's Salvation, we will always remain numbered as people protected in His grace and glory; as Overcomers in Christ Jesus, we are each sustained and Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, to subdue every effort of wickedness against our Christ's Calling and purpose for our lives, as God's unique children.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for your assuring Grace and sustaining Love, which keeps us preserved and protected, for your glory in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:6-7

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Being born-again Children of God, Ministers, and vessels of God's glorious works, assigned to bear fruits for God's Kingdom, and commissioned to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus to all who are headed into the pit, we need not be afraid of any who stands against our Calling and Great Commission, seeking to take our lives. Yet, we need to acknowledge He who is in us, is far greater than anything controlling them. This way, we may remain courageous as Overcomers, fearing God alone, who owns the power to restore, refresh, and destroy both the body and soul. 
Also, "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom," yet the fear of oppressors and accusers of the Brethren, diminishes one's faith, glory and dignity, while our faith in Christ Jesus, brings us closer to the Father, through the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
Moreover, all who fear the LORD, have faith in Christ Jesus; for our faith in Christ Jesus, draws us closer to the Father, through the Holy Spirit who walks with us as the Comforter, whom our spirit communes with, to remain awestruck in His Divine presence.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for always being there for us, for your Word gives us courage to stand out as Overcomers, having no fear of death. So, we will remain, seeking to live in your strength, for your glory in the face of Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:4-5

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Each secret deed of everyman is uncovered by YHWH, for He is the Omniscient God, who knows thoughts and sees the motivation behind every single act, keeping account of them for the day of judgement. With this, we are rest-assured that the LORD is watching over us, keeping records of our open and secret utterances.

So, we mustn't relent in our faithfulness to the LORD, being in communion with the Holy Spirit at all times, that we may continue to live in the righteousness of Christ, to fulfill the Father's will, by advancing His Kingdom as true ambassadors of Christ.

PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for you see and know the thoughts of our hearts. Please let the words of our mouths, and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, our strength and our Redeemer.

From Luke 12:2-3

Monday, March 27, 2023


Be watchful and avoid accepting doctrines that are against the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, which are mostly hypocritical in nature. These false teachings and unnecessary doctrines are basically instituted for ceremonial worship, mostly influenced by one's self-centered and selfish desires to make oneself appear justified before other people, through upholding their pretentious acts of religiousity temporarily, yet inwardly, the opposite of what is being claimed, is stored; false self-righteousness as dirt, and they become defiled from within their hearts, giving no room for the Holy Spirit to dwell in them.
So, let's endeavor to always allow the Word of God to be our guide, even as we live the life of Christ, in order to fulfill the Father's will and the purpose of our Divine Calling; to advance His Kingdom, bearing fruits for His glory, as Heirs of the Father, who rewards what is done in secret.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for you are The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and no one comes to the Father, except through you; for as we abide by your Word, and you in us, we're rest assured that we will never be deceived into accepting false teachings, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:1

Friday, March 24, 2023


The establishment of unnecessary and deceptive doctrines comes as a result of the self-seeking intentions involved in the works influenced by the devil; such false teachers, antichrists, and Ministers, who are blinded with arrogant desires to attain greater fame and undeserving honor, as a result of accommodating their lust, and pride, have allowed hearts of fat flesh to treasure things which are far from the Heavenly Kingdom. Those who are not in line with God's commandments, and the teachings of Christ, summarized as love of God and to mankind, hinder many, who ignorantly accept them, but become barred from the true knowledge of God's Kingdom, and Salvation by faith, only in Christ Jesus. There is no other Way to enter into Life everlasting, although we can agree that many paths may divert ones attention off from the Highway of Holiness; information of the head hinders Wisdom, which always was with YHWH, slaying the strays who see selfishly.
Worshipping the LORD in The Spirit and Truth, will keep us closer with Our Comforter, than followers of fantastical knowledge, who are more concerned with being ceremonially correct in their worship, which is not required of us as pure vessels of God, than communing spiritually, as those Called to declare and advance His Kingdom.
As Christians therefore, we need to be watchful, not only to enter by the narrow door Yeshua, who holds the keys, but also, by rejecting that which is against the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, we release people who we once fellowshipped with, who reject Truth, yet lie to us as themselves, that we may not be deceived, yet remain in rightstanding with God, for the Salvation of our souls, and building up of His Church.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the Salvation found in Christ Jesus, freely given to us for the redemption of our souls, that we may truly live for your glory, rebuking every false teaching coming from the pit of hell, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 11:52

Thursday, March 23, 2023


To please the LORD by faithfully doing His will, requires facing the cross of His Son, self-sacrifice and our fullest affection, for it's never enough to just pay your tithes and give bountiful offerings, even of your physical body to God, because He is not a man who desires material things for His pleasure; rather, He wants us to remain just in character, by walking in the righteousness of Christ, keeping His statutes, love expressed compassionately together with all we come across in our lives, even as we bring forth our first ten percent, secretly before His presence. Although, our tithes and offerings may be necessary for the physical and material needs of the Church, without being just to orphans and strangers in disputes, and loving all as God first loved us, one is still spiritually far away, because Christianity is founded on Agape Love, demonstrated through self-sacrifice, and by living justified, in the righteousness of Christ our Lord, who took on sin.
So, we need not to neglect one type of giving for the other, that we may continue to live a life wholly pleasing to the LORD, worthy of His grace and mercy, as Sons and Daughters of God.
PRAYER: In Jesus Christ, LORD we thank you for Your Word which keeps us refreshed through the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to live for your glory, even as we faithfully abide by it, leaving nothing undone as vessels of your Divine will, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 11:42l

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Endeavor to always practice what you preach, both in public and within; even while ministering to others, check yourself, to ensure you are not an hypocrite of what you say and do in the open, pockets filled with filthy masks, but carrying your cross, instead. The LORD is the Omniscient God, who sees in secret and rewards openly, forever; keeping no stone unturned, Abba sees to the heart, rewarding everyman according to his willingness purely to do the works prepared from the foundation of the world. Though in Jesus, God is so rich in kindness, forbearing in patient Mercy, He is just in rendering judgement to the proud and unrepentant soul.
Also, when the act of hypocrisy is over, shame is brought forth like mascne, and oneself is disgraced, because this trap gives no room for the Holy Spirit to dwell in, since it's deceptive, coming from the forces of darkness; for light and darkness have nothing in common. Everyone needs to know, even by what comes out of their mouth, if their own heart is full of greed, to bursting, or where he or she stands, because no one can serve both God and earthly mammon.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your redeeming grace, and the steadfast heart you've bestowed upon us, Christians, through the Holy Spirit, to live for your glory in Christ Jesus,

 From Luke 11:39 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Always keep sustaining yourselves with the LORD, through constant meditation on God's Word, preserved by the Holy Spirit who serves as the Divine Oil who keeps the Light of God in you, burning with the flame of righteousness, bright enough to subdue any force of darkness by revealing the Truth of the Salvation of souls, to all. With this focus, we are Overcomers in Christ Jesus, being pure vessels of Light, ordained to declare His glory on Earth. 
Also, we are called and chosen as vessels full of God's glorious Light, to make known the Salvation available in Christ Jesus, that all seeking freedom and redemption from the forces of darkness, may be delivered, for God's glory in the Spirit, poured out by Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus, for your presence in us has made us vessels worthy of your glorious Light, shining even amid darkness, as Overcomers, in Christ Jesus,

Luke 11:35-36

Monday, March 20, 2023


Though our eyes are lamps to our bodies that provides vision to see things physically and understand them visually; based on facts and reality, which we express though emotions, coming from the depth of our hearts. Yet, what we see affects us, both physically and it is understood spiritually.
Therefore, let's guard our hearts against defilement, by resisting views which only produce lustful and deceptive thoughts, that our Spirit-filled hearts may remain consecrated for God alone. This is possible through constant prayer and meditation on God's Word, affirming it daily for spiritual growth and development, that we may resist every poverty of the eyes, and be focused on the True Light which leads to Salvation in Christ Jesus, even as we allow God's Word to remain established as the Lamp to our feet and Light to our paths, by living for Yeshua; fulfilling the Father's will, in loving one another.
PRAYER: Blessed be the Name of the LORD, for He has opened our eyes to see and identify the Truth in Christ Jesus, who lives in us, as the Light of God,

From Luke 11:34

Friday, March 17, 2023


God's Divine presence, sustained in our lives as His chosen vessels called and ordained for His glorious works, will never be hidden; rather it will surely be revealed to everyone who lives on earth in due time, through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, who is the Divine witness of God's Love among us. This is known through our Christ-like qualities, expressed in humility, as a fire is lit and fed in its place, even as we walk in the righteousness of Yeshua, to fulfill the Father's will by proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation through our honest character and spoken words of Truth, seasoned graciously with Love, proceeding from our hearts.
Also, this unique behavioral characteristic attracts many who still dwell in darkness, seeking integrity, the Light of freedom, and Redeeming Grace, which truly delivers all who will see us, who are unashamed to be called the Sons and Daughters of Abba YHWH, as the Light of Salvation, because the presence of Christ Himself lives in us, through the Holy Spirit. Yet, we are only earthen vessels of Light, Commissioned to advance God's Kingdom as true ambassadors of the King of Kings.
PRAYER: Thank you JEHOVAH 'ORI, The LORD My Light, for your presence in us through the Holy Spirit, reveals who we are in Christ Jesus, bearing witness of your Divine presence in us, as true vessels of your glorious works, assigned for the purpose of advancing your Kingdom in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 11:33

Thursday, March 16, 2023


The Divine revelation of God's "RHEMA" Word, spoken to all through His chosen vessels, who are actively using the spiritual sword to pierce darkness, evidences God's existence, fully revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ who, for the Salvation of souls, like Jonah was swallowed by a giant fish before warning the repentant city, once died as a man to bear the cross and shame of every man. He was buried for three days and rose out of the grave with a sign of His intention to return folded into the very graveclothes God removed for our benefit. Yet, as a result of their unbelief and weak faith in the One sent to save, limited by their proud egos, many still seek for signs to physically prove their Maker's Love, and to clarify their doubt of God's Word, living through His Anointed Church body.
"The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, and He shows them His covenant." Therefore, to understand the written stories and reveal spiritual signs and wonders, we have to remain obedient and submissive to His divine will, by His Spirit rebuking every doubting spirit, even as we grow in faith; we are revealing awe and love of God in us, through the varied gifts of Holy Spirit, who testifies that we are Sons and Daughters of God, blessed with Divine Wisdom to understand the deep things of God, revealed to His Beloved, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, our Omniscient God, for you never leave us in darkness, yet always reveal the Truth through your Word, Jesus Christ; the Light that leads us out from darkness, for the Salvation of our souls, in Jesus' mighty name,

From Luke 11:29-30

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


All who obediently harken to the glorious call of Salvation, and remain submissive to the will of the Father; revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ, are divinely blessed, favored and precious in the eyes of the LORD, as vessels in His hands. True vessels of God dwell in the glory and grace of the LORD, because they work obediently by faith in Christ Jesus, for they are not religious observers, and not merely listeners of God's Word, but they act on it, by becoming living testimonies of His glorious works; this makes them uniquely different from the sons of men who have not received Mercy.
Also, this makes us both spiritually and physically productive, being sanctified to remain fruitful in every aspect of our lives, even as we continue to live for Christ, fulfilling the Father's will by advancing God's Kingdom through our manners with one another, and speaking the Gospel of Truth, which we proclaim to individuals compassionately, as ambassadors of Christ, together destined for God's glory.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for Calling and counting us worthy of being your vessels, assigned to live for your glory, through walking in the divine presence of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us; testifying of your Grace and Anointing, through Jesus Christ, our Lord,

From Luke 11:27-28

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Even after being born again, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and delivered from the bondage of sin and captivity of the wicked, we need to develop our faith in Christ Jesus, by receiving mercy from the one who took death upon Himself, and allowing only Him to build His House of Righteousness, where satanic spirits once stayed. This can be achieved as we remain in the Spirit of His Word, meditating and affirming it with and without season, that there may be no room for the devil in our hearts; the Living One keeping our souls preserved and quickened to fulfill God's will and purposes for our lives, through the communion of our spirit with the Holy Spirit of God, in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, we should never give the devil and his agents any opportunity to return us to worse conditions by backsliding, for he is restlessly inflicting dissatisfied thoughts and wrong motives in the empty and hard hearts of many who are yet to fill and strengthen their hearts with God's Word, confidently asking for His Holy Spirit, who completely overwhelms the devil; rather, He protects the true vessels of God, until the return of Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your redeeming grace, which refreshes us by faith, daily coming to Your Word, who keeps us safe and walking in Your Spirit, protected from every stronghold of the enemy in Jesus' name,

From Luke 11:24-26

Monday, March 13, 2023


As mankind, created in the image of God to live together in the position of leadership over all His creations, we are maintaining them for His glory, that they may continue to exist for the sustenance of mankind, beautifully in balance. As Christ indwells us, we will endeavor to fulfill the divine purpose of our Calling and existence, which can only be achieved as we remain submissive to His will, rebuking every distracting and deceptive spirit coming from the pit of hell with evil intentions; independence will destroy any who tries to go on separately from the Way, but no darkness can scatter that which the LORD has gathered or built up in love, for our well-being, and this Church, which remains when all else falls away, draws others to Christianity.
Moreover, being in the Holy Spirit requires that we have chosen to live for Jesus by faith in Him, seeking for lost souls and washing them with the Word, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, that more may find eternal comfort in the presence of God, gathering for the purpose of advancing God's Kingdom, as He is both pruning and grafting more into the Body of Christ.
PRAYER: Thank you Jehovah, El Echad, the unified Creator God, for you've made us with the mind of Christ, in one Divine vessel, to each reveal a part of your glorious works, encouraged to unite daily and assigned to gather more souls for your Kingdom, with love for one another in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 11:23

Friday, March 10, 2023


Being faithful Christians, we are Strengthened by the LORD, empowered and graced with Divine strength and authority in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to bring down strongholds; we are armed to subdue the forces of darkness, even as we remain secure in the Hands of God. Yet, we mustn't give the devil a chance; for he's restless, seeking for ways to activate the weakness of the flesh of men, in order to separate them from The Great I Am, stealing their souls for himself by breaking the Divine connection between Man and God, through his deceptive ways and fellow demons.
Therefore, when we are weak, we should boast, and endeavor to remain strong in the LORD, Strengthened by His Holy Spirit, through the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by constantly meditating in His Word, affirming it daily, and wielding it wisely, even while we pray continually, that we may always abide in Him, as He dwells in us; for, we are the Redeemed of the Lord, in all things Overcomers, and more than Conquerors, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for the strength you've given us, which abides in us through the presence of the Holy Spirit, for this has made us greater than he that is in the world, as Overcomers who are strengthened in Christ Jesus, so be it!

From Luke 11:21-22

Thursday, March 9, 2023


Every kingdom divided against itself is destined for a great fall; even the forces of darkness unite under a rebellious leader to cause the destruction of many, because they know: they only have a limited time to exist, the Sons of God are growing in multitude daily, advancing God's Kingdom in love and unity through the proclaimation of the Gospel, and where demons are being cast out, all over the World, people are being Saved, baptized in the same Holy Spirit, and likewise sent. The demons of darkness and agents of wickedness also unite to cause spiritual weakness by tempting God's vessels, with the intention of separating them from Divine protection, grace and glory. Yet, the lives of the Righteous in Christ Jesus, remain established and rest in the Hands of God, where they are always protected; for the LORD fights their battles, and keeps them safe from all evil.
Therefore, let's endeavor to remain united under the Lordship of Christ, never allowing anything or anyone to separate us from God's love and our Calling as Brethren in Christ, that we may remain spiritually Strengthened as Overcomers, being more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus, breaking barriers and strongholds of the devil, to fulfill our purpose in life as Christians; we are united with the mind of Christ.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for uniting us as one in the body of Christ, to live for your glory, as every day, we strive to advance your Kingdom, which remains established and will always abide, because it's founded on love, through Christ our Lord, forever,

From Luke 11:17-18

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Although we need not put Our God to the test, the life and character of the Righteous in Christ Jesus, will always be questioned and sometimes condemned by unbelievers who only sought for more signs and wonders of Him to clear themselves of their doubtful thoughts towards Our Father. Likewise, we too may have been skeptical whether a Minister or message is of God or not. Usually, this comes as a result of the fear of being overcome spiritually, or jealousy, when it's evidently seen by all that, the Righteous only minister through the Holy Spirit, by the grace of God in Christ, who lives in Him.
So, as Christians, called to minister and Live for Christ, we need to remain in the Word and more faithfully committed to our Calling, that the LORD may continue to reveal Himself, in every aspect of our lives, as vessels of His glorious and marvelous works, so the sons of men may get rid of their wrong and doubtful thoughts, even as they realize where they have fallen, making amends in repentance; for the Salvation of their souls has come, and everyone needs to truly just believe, resulting in Godly actions.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, thank you for your glorious light shining in us, revealing your Divine grace and presence within and around us, through the Holy Spirit, which testifies that we are Sons of God in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 11:16

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


As Christians, we need to be watchful and fervent in prayers, even as we arm ourselves with the full armor of God, graced with Love, to do the Father's will; for the devil, who is the accuser of the Brethren in Christ Jesus, is always restlessly moving all over the world, seeking for weaker vessels to use for his crafty and deceptive works, to defame the Righteous in Christ Jesus. By the same power, we who worship the LORD in Truth and in the Spirit, will not be distracted nor obstructed from fulfilling the Divine purpose of their Calling as Sons of God. This act of accusing and defaming God's vessels is as a result of jealousy and the fear of being overtaken by another who is more spiritually devoted, and committed to doing the Father's will.
So, we should never allow any baseless accusation or defaming words to distract nor stop us from doing the LORD'S will, for accusers are always afraid of losing their pride, while we, God's vessels, are only alive in Christ Jesus to bring glory to the Father, no matter what it looks like, as we fulfill our purpose in life, by advancing God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for making us your chosen vessels, Commissioned to live for your glory, in Christ Jesus, that we may continue advancing your Kingdom, and never get distracted by any false accusation of the wicked, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 11:14-15

Monday, March 6, 2023


Our Holy Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I AM, always answers the prayers of the righteous in Christ Jesus, and will never fail to meet believers at the point of their needs, for He is the covenant-keeping God. We are highly favored and blessed to walk in His righteousness, through Christ our Lord, who is the righteousness of God, the Father Almighty, and this makes us His beloved Sons and Daughters by faith in the One who first loved us.
Therefore, we have been brought back into His presence, and all who ask of the Father, in humility through Christ, in due time His Holy Spirit will definitely be granted to us, and every prayer will be heard, because our Heavenly Father's Love for us is greater than any other ever seen, experienced, or imagined, and He is the Good Shepherd who never forsakes one of His own.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for always being there for us; Your love for us is beyond human comprehension, and this has made all our supplications brought before you in prayers, to be answered by grace, through your Son, Jesus Christ,

From Luke 11:13

Thursday, March 2, 2023


Though our Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I Am sees our present situation, knows our hearts' desires, and understands our feelings, answering prayers before we consciously call upon Him, and while we pray He hears us in the Righteous person of Jesus; Yet, we need to remain persistent in prayers, asking for that which we need to glorify Him, seeking for Him, through constant meditation on His glorious Word, that we may continue to abide in His presence through the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us, and gives a better understanding of God's Righteousness.
Also, we should never relent in knocking on the door of His Divine and abundant favor, grace and sustenance, because we all need these to withstand and overcome every trial and temptation that may come our way.
Moreover, the LORD is a loving, caring and compassionate Father, who always harkens to our voice, granting all our sincere and unselfish desires, welcoming all who seek Him in humility, giving them a better understanding of His good will towards men, and never fails to open the door as the Good Shepherd, to all who knock diligently and fervently, that they may continue to enjoy Divine peace and abundant grace, which He alone provides.
PRAYER: Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God who never forsakes us, even in times of need, we come through Your Son; for whenever we ask, seek, and knock, you are always there to answer, show us the way, and open the door of grace and favor for us.
O' LORD, be thou glorified in Jesus'name,

From Luke 11:9-10

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


The Lord's prayer is not a vain recitation of the Christian prayer, but a guide on what to say while praying, for we commune with God directly in Christ Jesus through prayers. 
The Lord's prayer contains:
1. Thanksgiving: We are rendering praise, honor and adoration to God, showing appreciation for what He alone has done, that which He is doing, and by faith, many more mighty works which He is still going to do for our good as His Beloved Children, dwelling in the shadow of His wings.
2. Forgiveness: This is also essential, for as you seek, knock, and ask for God's Divine favor, super-sustenance, and will, remember to ask in humility for His mercy and forgiveness, for He is a Merciful Father who is always ready to forgive any who seek complete forgiveness in repentance. Though we are saved by His Grace, through faith in Christ, daily changing our minds to be more like Jesus, brings us even closer to the Father, through the Holy Spirit who refreshes our souls and makes us deserving of all we are asking from the LORD, which is in His will.
Also, we need to remain willing to likewise forgive, showing mercy and compassion to all, that our Heavenly Father may also forgive our sins and separate us, with His Divine and protective shield, away from all which leads to temptation, that we may remain in His presence, where there is peace and everlasting joy. 
Therefore, as you always pray in humility, with a faithful heart, see the Lord's prayer as a guide, and your prayers will surely be answered by faith in the Son of God.
PRAYER: in Jesus' holy name, Heavenly Father, we praise and adore who you are, for all you've done, that which you're doing, and all you are still going to do. Please let your Divine Mercy overcloud judgement in our lives, that our supplications may be accepted before you, being made worthy of your Divine grace, where your glory serves as a shield of light.

From Luke 11:2-4


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...