Friday, June 30, 2023


Only YHWH, the Great I Am That I Am, owns the power to kill and make alive, for He is the Omnipotent God; so, preserving your life requires you abiding in His Word, Jesus Christ, living in Him, even as you remain in full-submission to the Father's will bearing fruits that remain for God's glory (1 Samuel 2:6).
As Christians, we need not protect ourselves from death, because we are alive in the Spirit, shielded by the Grace and Power of God, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus; rather, we should continue the life of self-sacrifice, solely to the LORD, ready to give it all for Him, as ambassadors of Christ, committed to fulfill the purpose of our Christ's Calling, that our lives and eternal inheritance may remain safely kept with the Father, in His Heavenly Kingdom above, as His faithful Servants, following Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I bless your name, for my life is safe in your hands, preserved through the Holy Spirit, to live for your glory in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 17:33

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Just as the Son of God was rejected in His days; conceived by the Holy Spirit, to be the Messiah of the World, redeeming mankind from their sins and eternal condemnation, so is the Church, His body, being rejected even from buildings, mocked and sometimes, it's ministering Priests are being persecuted for witnessing to the Good News of Salvation. This happened in the days of Noah, and that of Lot's, for many again choose the preference of enjoying the luxury and pleasures of the Earth, saying "Seeing is believing," and what they possess and pretend while living as if terminal, is all that matters. This makes them hopeless about eternity; trying to live lustfully to the fullest, which is death, they're forsaking the purpose of their existence, which is to live by the Word of God, loving Him and His own.
However, as Christians and faithful Children of God, we mustn't give up nor relent in our Christ's Calling to reach every soul with the Gospel, before His return, bearing more fruits that remain, being faithful branches in the True Vine, for His glory. Nevermind the persecution, mockery, or tribulations; for, we are victorious in Christ Jesus: equipped through the Holy Spirit as triumphant vessels of God, ordained to conquer the principalities and powers of wickedness, by Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for the glorious call of Salvation, being equipped by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News to all, as an Overcomer, through Christ who lives in me.

From Luke 17:25-30

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Though the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ, is at hand, and many desire to meet Him, being in His physical presence, we mustn't allow ourselves to be deceived, for many false teachers and prophets claiming to be messengers of Christ, or Christ Himself, are already on the surface of the Earth, doing signs and wonders, in order to gain souls for the kingdom of darkness, deceiving many to accept and follow their ways, which lead to destruction and eternal condemnation, if possible, even the elect (Matthew 24:23-24). The second coming of Christ will be seen by all, for every soul living on the surface of the Earth will have no need to be told, because His glorious presence will fill the Earth, instantly declaring Himself to all.
Moreover, physically moving in search of Him, only expresses His absence in one's life, for Christ is in all who are faithful to Him, revealing His Divine presence, ever dwelling in us, as His consecrated Temples.
We trust His ability to overcome the enemy, so we do not need to use human force to persecute others, knowing His will for us instead, as followers of the Way, yet that the liars' time is short.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for your Divine presence in me, which keeps me safe and secured in faith, being your Temple, consecrated for your Glory, and having no cause to seek another,

From Luke 17:22-24

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Christ's Kingdom reign is established, seen, and experienced through Jesus' Church; His body, of whom He is Head. Even so, it comes within us as righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, (Romans 14:17) that the will of the Father who is in Heaven may continue on the surface of the Earth through us, remaining His faithful Servants, instruments of His glorious works, and Heirs of His Kingdom.
Furthermore, the Kingdom reign of Christ on Earth can not be found anywhere else, except indwelling you Brothers and Sisters, the vessels of God; for, you are His Holy Temple, consecrated for His good will on Earth, even as you are commissioned to bring others close to God, through the proclamation of the Gospel of Salvation. 
The LORD'S presence, is revealed through His unconditional love that dwells in you, by the same Holy Spirit who forever reigns with Christ. So, let's share the Good News of Salvation, our Life and Truth; declaring the coming Kingdom reign of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, more souls might be redeemed and consecrated, for His glory in Christ Jesus, before the old quickly passes and all things are made new.
PRAYER: Through Jesus Christ, thank you LORD, for your Kingdom reign in my life, made manifest by the Holy Spirit, who brings eternal peace and joy to my soul;

From Luke 17:20-21

Monday, June 26, 2023


Giving thanks to and appreciating the LORD for His love, mercy, and marvelous works, done for the good of those around us, and in our lives, is a way God is still revealing the wonders of His Love through us. Giving glory to Jesus also reaffirms our faith and Christ's Calling: exalting the name of the LORD, proclaiming His goodness to all, declaring our identity as the redeemed of the LORD, that the mindset of many may be changed, and their commitment towards eternity with the Father, is re-established for God's Salvation of their souls.
Furthermore, coming close to appreciate God, ultimately brings the knowledge of His goodwill to mankind, reaching those who seek to better understand a loving relationship with He Who Is redeeming many from the Kingdom of darkness, into the path of Light, which leads above, to the place of Peace and Glory, in the Kingdom of Heaven. So, let's remain thankful, praising the LORD for His goodness to cleanse us, that all around us may experience the wonders of His Love, coming to the realization that He is the Wonder-working God, who redeems and delivers all who trust in Him, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, and the Wonder-working Father, for I am redeemed through faith, by your unconditional Love and compassion for my soul, in Your Holy name;

From Luke 17:17-19

Friday, June 23, 2023


Being thankful for all the LORD has done, that which He is doing, and appreciating Him for that which He has promised to do for all who love Him and are called according to His purpose, makes known His unconditional love and abundant grace; for, as we continuously give thanks to the LORD, coming from the depth of our hearts, falling at Jesus' feet, which once were covered in blood to make our sins whiter than wool, our Heavenly Father will always be willing to be with us, in paradise. Since the LORD hates complaining, and does not delight in burnt offerings, blood, or animal sacrifices, today, our praises in thanksgiving, showing gratitude for His Love and compassion, are pleasing to Him.
Though our praise isn't enough for all the LORD has done, He still accepts it, when it comes from hearts humble to obey and bless Him; for, He knows our strength and He appreciates us, as we give our all in worship, thanksgiving, and praises to Him alone. So, always be thankful and glorify the LORD, and you will continue to enjoy the abundance of His Grace, Love, and Mercy, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Ever-loving Father, for all you've done, that which you are doing right now, and many more marvelous works you are still going to do!
May your Name forevermore be glorified, 

From Luke 17:14-16

Thursday, June 22, 2023


Our faithfulness and dedication to the LORD, can never be enough to pay for His abundant grace, love, and the sacrifice He made on the Cross for our redemption from eternal condemnation, because we are not justified by our works but by faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:16). Though our dedication and self-sacrifice is necessary to help in our spiritual growth and development, yet it will never be enough to repay the price Christ paid on the cross, to make us His own. Even so, this keeps us on the path of righteousness, being consecrated with the Holy Spirit, who helps us fulfill our Calling, as Disciples of Christ and ambassadors of the Gospel of Salvation.
Therefore, let's not be puffed up by our selfless service and share it as praiseworthy, while silencing the shining example of our loving Master, rather we should always remain humble, realizing that is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit we received when born again, who made it possible for us to remain deserving of His Grace and unconditional Love, as Heirs of His Kingdom, with Christ Jesus, who did the Father's will, gladly.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, Heavenly Father, thank you for granting me the grace to serve you in faith, through the Holy Spirit, who strengthens me to move from glory to glory, that more souls may be redeemed for your Kingdom,

From Luke 17:10

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


Living faithfully according to the Father's will, through Christ who lives in us, being consecrated to advance His Kingdom, even as we remain dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit, makes us posses Divine Authority, as Sons and Daughters of God, to subdue the Earth and its inhabitants. This makes the forces of nature and even the supernatural to remain submissive to our demands; for, by keeping even the smallest faith in Christ Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith "all things are possible to him who believes!" (Mark 9:23, Hebrews 12:2)
Moreover, since we are in Christ, the fullness of the God-head bodily dwells in us, giving us no cause for worries (Colossians 2:9). So, we mustn't relent in moving forward, as Soldiers of the Cross: fighting from victory to victory, breaking barriers, uprooting trees, and overcoming mountains obstructing our spreading of the Gospel, that it may get to the reach of all who need God's Salvation of their souls.
PRAYER: O' LORD, Ever-faithful Father, thank you for your Divine presence in my life, for this gives me the grace and authority to subdue every barrier standing against my Calling, that more souls may be redeemed, for your glory, in Christ Jesus:

From Luke 17:6

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Forgiveness is a Divine grace given to all who are faithful and true Christians, and it reveals the Love of God in us, to all who need redemption from the bondage of sin. Though we may need to rebuke the offender when necessary, that he might come to the realization of his guilt, we should not relent in offering forgiveness to him, when reconsidering sin, for this response is an evidence of God's Love, revealing the Divine presence of Christ in the Church, that the purpose of our Christ's Calling may be fulfilled, even as we endlessly bear more fruits, in love, for God's Kingdom.
With this, kindly search yourself, free your heart from all grudges, resulting from offenses done against you, admonishing the offender where necessary, and forgive one another, no matter how many occasions you're given, and continue loving the one whom clearly has forgiven you so much, so that you may remain deserving of God's Divine Grace, Mercy, and Love, as His Beloved Child.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for granting me the grace to forgive all who offend me, which reveals your Love in me, that souls may be redeemed, for your Kingdom; in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 17:3-4

Monday, June 19, 2023


The distraction of chosen and ordained channels of God, offending, and diverting their attention from their Christ's Calling, with the intention of bringing them to fall from the path of righteousness which leads to Salvation and eternity with the LORD, in Christ Jesus, is satanic, and comes with dire consequences that inflict God's wrath and judgement upon such demonic and deceptive vessels. This is common in today's world, where Ministers, and once-devoted Servants of God, are being enticed with pleasurable living, and choked spiritually with the earthly benefits of fleeting wealth, riches, and power, that their attention may be diverted from the purpose of their Christ's highest Calling.
Moreover, overcoming such distraction and deception, rebuking these sinners, and cutting the life off from parts of our lives which need to be thrown away, through Christ who went to the pit, yet now lives in us, makes us victorious, triumphantly putting the devil and his agents to shame, subduing the powers of the wicked, as Divine vessels of light, conquering the forces of darkness wherever we go, boldly proclaiming the Good News of God's Salvation.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for strengthening me through Christ, who lives in me, making me an Overcomer, moving from glory to glory, subduing the deceptive forces of darkness, and their negative influence on Earth, for the Salvation of souls; in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 17:1-2

Friday, June 16, 2023


To be persuaded to receive God's Word, Jesus Christ, a man needs to have the knowledge of the Almighty, and humankind; acquired from the scriptures and the proclamation of the Gospel, we have affirmation of His existence, revealed through His birth, death, and resurrection. Even if we aren't listening to obey, He manifests His love and companionship through the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in all who receive Him, living like Christ, in order to show love & mercy to the sons of men, who need to reject the vanities of this world, and convert over to receiving Jesus Christ, the narrow Way who leads us to God's Kingdom, where everlasting peace and joy resides. Though some may not be willing at first, as we continue pursuing them in love, with God's Word, which we endlessly proclaim as living examples of Christ, souls will be restored, redeemed, and delivered, even as they start receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, being born-again Children of God.
Therefore, let's repent, not relent; neither should we be tired of seeking for lost souls. Rather, we should always remain persuasive, even while persecuted as radical Soldiers of the Cross, and triumphant vessels of Grace, ordained to advance God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for daily granting me the grace to seek souls, persuading those who will believe, with the power which overcomes the grave, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, for the Salvation of souls; in your Holy name,

From Luke 16:31

Thursday, June 15, 2023


God's Word has been given to all, from the Scriptures, fulfilled by Jesus Christ, and through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, made comprehensible, that all who harken to Him, in full submission, may receive the Blessed Assurance of the Divine inheritance: of peace, victory, and eternal life with the Father, in His Heavenly Kingdom above. Harkening to God Word brings us closer to the Father, and our dedication, by living like Christ, in full submission, establishes the will of the Father in Heaven, on Earth, even as souls are being redeemed, to the glory of God, through His Love, proclaimed by the Gospel which we share freely. 
This makes us, not only citizens of an Heavenly Kingdom, yet also Sons and Daughters of God, born in Christ Jesus, to advance His Kingdom. So, let's not relent in heeding the Word of God, living by its blessings, not just for our personal salvation, but that the Love of the Father through Christ, who lives in us, may be revealed to others too, for the Salvation of more souls to God, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for the revelation of your Word, Jesus Christ, your only begotten Son, who offers new life, for in Him I have the Blessed Assurance of eternity in your Kingdom, where my treasures are safely kept;

From Luke 16:29

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Now is the right time to show love, comfort, and mercy to all who are lacking, oppressed, and in need of our forgiveness, that we may be deserving of God's mercy and welcoming embrace, on the last day, which carries on. The love we share, showing mercy with compassionate hearts from the abundance of God's grace and provision, reveals Christ, who lives in us. It's wise to follow Christ in self-sacrifice; serving the LORD with our whole heart, might, mind and soul, even as we extend the love of the Father to all, discriminating none, yet embracing new creations as fellow brethren, in oneness, that they may experience the unconditional love of the the only Way that leads to eternity in the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, who changes the mindsets of the sons of men into receiving a place with Our Father.
Also, as Sons of Abraham, our possessions need not to be selfishly kept for our personal gain and luxurious living, alone; rather every extra Earthly moment and morsel needs to be shared in love, with those who are in need, that the purpose of our Calling as Sons of God in Christ Jesus, revealing the Father's Love for the advancement of His Kingdom, may be established, for the Salvation of souls, from eternal separation.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the comfort and Grace given to us as Kingdom citizens, even as we are being given opportunity to reveal your Love, showing mercy to all in need, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 16:24-26

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Marriage is a union ordained by God to depict Christ and the Church, but divorce was never intended by the LORD, from the beginning of creation. The hardness of man's heart, not being forgiving towards his life-time companion, made Moses to permit it (Matthew 19:8). Though it was permitted for cases of unfaithfulness, Jesus Christ said the separated partners are not allowed to marry another, yet in today's brutal world, even emotional torture leads to divorce, for the safety of the victim; she can only turn to God, for Love which satisfies.
Moreover, every marriage which is built on love, needs to accommodate the Spirit of forgiveness, endurance, and mutual understanding within both spouses, that the Bond between them may never be broken. Still, if the need for divorce arises, both parties should come to the realization, and accept the fact that they are not to remarry except to themselves, or in the case of the passing of one member of the promise before God, since they are already one body for life, under the covenant relationship of marriage (1 Corinthians 7). So, be careful, and seek God's guidance before marriage, and the wisdom of many counselors. While being married, love your spouse from the depth of your heart, for God loves You, and you are one, united with the covenant of marriage, that there may be no room for divorce.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Heavenly Father, thank you for every marriage established in your name, for the purpose of companionship and procreation. Please, continue to strengthen us not to separate what God has joined, and the bond of the united body, that there may be no room for divorce;

From Luke 16:18

Monday, June 12, 2023


Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of the law, established for the Salvation of souls. God's Word has never failed, and will continue to remain established, forever. Though the heavens vanish away like smoke, the Earth grows old like garments, and all of its inhabitants die, the Word of God, which reveals righteousness and grants Life to anyone who believes and receives Jesus Christ as their personal Lord, and Savior of the World, will continue to abide forever, fixed through His Divine Grace; for He is the Eternal Rock of Ages, Who remains Holy.
Furthermore, the Word of God, Jesus Christ, unites man and God, through the covenant relationship He established when He offered His body and blood complete with forgiveness. When we receive this seed into a soft heart, with the desire to serve Him in love, as faithful servants committed to bring more souls to the Salvation of the LORD in Jesus, for the advancement of God's Kingdom; by living like Christ, this makes even the blinded to see the love of the Father, through experiencing the One who is greater, living in us, by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, Who testifies, revealing our identity as Christ's, to all who need Salvation and total redemption from the kingdom of darkness, into marvelous light.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your Word is sure and your covenant is established in my life, in Christ Jesus; 

From Luke 16:17

Friday, June 9, 2023


The knowledge of God's Kingdom, Jesus Christ established, has been made known to all, from the days of John the Baptist; revealed in the love of the Messiah and permanently proven with the gift of the Holy Spirit upon everyone who believes and confesses Jesus as their Lord and Savior, even as we continuously serve Him in Truth and in the Spirit. This makes many, who are seeking for breakthrough, Divine restoration, and complete freedom from the captivity of sin, death, and darkness, willing to receive Christ: the only Way that leads to eternal life!
Furthermore, as we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of God's Salvation in the Christ, who said we would do greater works than Himself, for all who are in dire need of His redeeming Grace, this will make more souls willingly press into God's Kingdom, which is not brought through reading the Prophets nor obeying the Law, but the revelation of the perfect Son we personally believe has come, and is coming again.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for making me a vessel to declare your Good News to all nations, that more souls may continue to press forward into your Kingdom with dedicated hearts and devoted spirits, in your Holy name;

From Luke 16:16

Thursday, June 8, 2023


We do not need to try justifying ourselves before anyone. Rather, as new creations, we should continue believing in Jesus, who took sin on Himself, to make us innocent before the LORD, and be loving in each of our dealings; for He knows the thoughts of everyman, searches their hearts, and understands the intentions of every action taken or done by a person. He is the Omniscient God who knows all things, is our strong defender, and He alone makes all things right. Whatever action we take, should be for God's glory, and the advancement of His Kingdom, and never to seek praises from men, which may lead to pride, self-justification, or to neglecting the truth that we are nothing, without God.
Although, we might be encouraged in the Church and appreciated for showing love to others, yet we should not feel proud; rather, we should relentlessly give all the glory to the Potter, for while sinners, He first loved us. However, if those stuck in sin against the Word, which is Forever, or any fleshly culture, match our attitude, and together we are defending old actions over conscience or conviction, these puffed up people achieve nothing permanent, because all of God's enemies will soon be still bodies, once made in the image of the one they crucified, but Our Father rose again, to offer humankind everlasting life.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, LORD, I give you all the glory, honor, and adoration for making me a vessel of your glorious works, Strengthened to live for Christ; looking forward to your Kingdom,

From Luke 16:15

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Our service to the LORD, our Creator, the Great I Am That I Am, YAHWEH, should remain undiluted or undefiled; not influenced by the lust for worldly treasures, pleasures, and possessions, for they only build up or create both physical and spiritual barriers between man and God. When man's attention is being divided amongst two or more, whom he believes to be his source of peace and sustainance, he is gradually deviating from the one and only true God, who can not be served with other gods.
Moreover, it's easier to remain focused on one than two, because a kingdom or body divided against itself can never stand uprightly, rather it would be constantly shaking, moving to and fro, at the presence of temptation and trials, yet he who stand on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ, will always remain comfortable, having a Blessed Assurance of His Divine Grace and protection, even in the midst of the ranging storm. So, remain focused on God and no other, through faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord, bearing fruits that remains for His glory, and it shall be well with you.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for keeping me focused on my Christ's Calling, advancing your Kingdom through your Word, for the redemption of souls, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 16:13

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Being a faithful servant, requires full submission and selfless service done in love, with true dedication, from a compassionate heart; for the LORD loves all who serve Him from the depths of their hearts. He who serves with a heart dedicated to one beyond himself, and a devoted spirit, will surely able to wisely use the Master's reward in due time; for our faithfulness to the LORD, and service in love to others, for the glory of the Father, counts.
Furthermore, the grace given to us as God's servants, called to uphold the truth, and proclaim the Good News to all, in love, should always be in use at all times, even as we remain steadfast to our Christ's Calling, that we as faithful Servants of God, may be deserving of more when our eternal inheritance comes. Now we hope for it, as we reject possessing anything of our own or doing our will, called while it's day, to declare His glory on Earth, and baptize others.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for the glorious call of Salvation, being of service in your Vineyard to declare the Gospel to all, for the Salvation of souls,

From Luke 16:12

Monday, June 5, 2023


As true Christians, and citizens of God's Kingdom, being Heirs of the Father and labourers in His vineyard, we should always remain just in our Earthly dealings and faithful with the little we've each been given now, that we may be deserving of His eternal reward and Divine inheritance destined for us as Overcomers in Christ Jesus. By putting the life which has been given to us into good use, for His glory, we are revealing our worthiness of receiving more, which makes the LORD to elevate us from glory to glory, as faithful Stewards of the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, let's endeavor to always remain faithful to our Christ's Calling, and never relent in believing, unto trustworthy dealings, for He who works faithfully to the end, will surely be worthy of the Crown of Glory, as beloved brethren with Christ.
PRAYER: Our Heavenly Father, thank you for granting the Grace to serve you in truth and in the Spirit, being equipped with the Holy Spirit, to remain faithful to the end, and be deserving of the Crown of Glory in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 16:10

Friday, June 2, 2023


Friendship comes with respect for one another, and being of help and support in times of greatest need. So, when choosing whom to serve in this dying world, where to tithe, and while making friends, Christians should always endeavor to consider the spiritual effects of such associations, even before we take the bold step of making the decision which may come with an effect on where eternity is spent. Also, making good friends requires Wisdom; knowing the right qualities needed, like sincerity and Truth (1 Cor 5) among believers, and who to break fellowship with for the destruction of flesh, will help you not be puffed up with sin, but grow as a Child of God, living for Christ, that you may remain a fruit-bearing branch in the True Vine.
Everyone we see met with compassion, and everything we've been given to hold loosely, is about to come to an end. Although, it's necessary to use our resources to make friends today, we should always be careful of the kind of friends we keep close, for friends are said to have similar characters as a result of the influence they have with each other. So, let's not relent in being good friends, yet be careful of whom we chose to dwell with, and how to converse with them, because wrongdoers will fade quickly, but lasting treasure is stored in Heaven, with our best friend Jesus and His Saints.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the Spirit of discernment, through the Knowledge of your Word, which helps us make lasting friendships, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us,

From Luke 16:9

Thursday, June 1, 2023


Being Children of God, called, ordained, and commissioned to live for Christ and proclaim His good will toward all people, for the Salvation of their souls, we need not be wise in our own eyes; rather, we should always remain submissive to the LORD'S will, placing every one of our thoughts and decisions before Him in prayers, especially before taking any bold step concerning our lives, and those of others. This way, we are always in rightstanding with God, and true communion with the Holy Spirit, even as we remain one with Christ, fulfilling the Father's will by advancing His Kingdom through bearing fruits that remain, for His glory, in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, acting on our will, as if in the darkness, without placing God first, seeking His Wisdom, leads to making wrong decisions most of the time; for no matter how right it may seem, in selfishness, it leads to self-recognition, giving room for pride and arrogant feelings. So, let's remain faithful to our Calling in Christ, by being submissive to the Father's will, advancing His Kingdom as true Stewards of the LORD.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, O' LORD, thank you for calling me into your Glorious Light which fills me up to serve faithfully in your Vineyard, as a true Steward and vessel of your glory, in your Holy name;

From Luke 16:5-8


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...