Showing posts with label Conduct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conduct. Show all posts


The Divine presence of Christ in one's life makes for a cheerful giver, from the abundance of all with which the LORD has blessed; namely, Himself. Following Jesus means we have realized our Spiritual deficit and are willing to share with those in need - compassionately, with a benevolent, though mortal heart, expecting nothing in return from people - yet acquiring more treasures in Heaven for eternity. Now with Jesus' forgiveness, we have what it takes to make right our past wrongs, as far as it depends on us; humbly displaying a new character to those we had knowingly wronged, we can move forward listening to our "conscience."
Doing this with sincerity, from the depth of our hearts, solely to the LORD, we will surely remain Divinely rewarded, in His presence. For, all that we are doing to our fellow brethren, the less privileged, and even strangers, we are also doing to Jesus (Psalm 41:1, Matthew 25:40, Rev 3).
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank You for coming into my life! You alone fill me up to overflow with Your Grace, Power, and Glory; sustained by the Holy Spirit, even as I continuously share in love from the abundance of Your great provisions in my life, please be with me on the narrow path, as it's in my heart to turn from evil and promptly make Peace,

From Luke 19:8


Being deserving of God's Kingdom, requires not only our faithfulness and dedication, but also includes humility - expressed in love, compassionately, asking for His presence, from the depth of our hearts. Once, we were children who are dependent upon others to take them away from the flame and into Church, and without God's Salvation touching every aspect of our lives, we would still be lost.
We should never look down on anyone, as only Jesus' sacrifice makes humankind worthy to enter into God's presence, because we have received Good News to share, according to the audience, with anyone it's sent to next, of what He has done for the world, and ourselves. Wisdom comes by seeking God with faith, and not education, because knowledge puffs up. May we let go of anything personally that would cause a hindrance to others, but build up each one upon the solid Rock.
Humbling ourselves as little Children, brings us closer to the LORD, revealing our true submission to His Divine will and purpose for our lives; because, only a faithful Servant can truly serve his Master with dedication and honesty.
However, this is possible when you have the Love of the Father in you, made manifest through the Holy Spirit, who reveals our identity as Christ's ambassadors, destined to advance God's Kingdom with: Love and sincerity, from the depth of our hearts, to the glory of the Father, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: O' LORD, I come before you in humility, to worship you in Truth and in the Spirit, that your Divine purpose in my life may remain established, for your glory, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 18:16


No matter the position of authority, grace, and anointing in which you find yourself, remain humble beside the flawless Lamb, and never look down or defame another, as a result of your achievements, because the LORD resists the proud and gives more grace to the humble (James 4:6). Though, His grace is sufficient for all, one's arrogance, pride, and self-exaltation brings him down spiritually, so with time, one is humbled by Almighty God, or their sin is revealed for all to see its consequence, the death of His Son, or the unbeliever.
Also, while praying, as Christians, we need not to declare self-righteousness; rather we should remain humble, realizing that our righteousness is in Christ Jesus, and no other. This makes our prayers and supplications to the LORD, which are His will, gracefully answered, in due time.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making me realize how essential humility is to my Christ's Calling, through the Divine knowledge of your Word, in most merciful Christ Jesus;

From Luke 18:10-14


We do not need to try justifying ourselves before anyone. Rather, as new creations, we should continue believing in Jesus, who took sin on Himself, to make us innocent before the LORD, and be loving in each of our dealings; for He knows the thoughts of everyman, searches their hearts, and understands the intentions of every action taken or done by a person. He is the Omniscient God who knows all things, is our strong defender, and He alone makes all things right. Whatever action we take, should be for God's glory, and the advancement of His Kingdom, and never to seek praises from men, which may lead to pride, self-justification, or to neglecting the truth that we are nothing, without God.
Although, we might be encouraged in the Church and appreciated for showing love to others, yet we should not feel proud; rather, we should relentlessly give all the glory to the Potter, for while sinners, He first loved us. However, if those stuck in sin against the Word, which is Forever, or any fleshly culture, match our attitude, and together we are defending old actions over conscience or conviction, these puffed up people achieve nothing permanent, because all of God's enemies will soon be still bodies, once made in the image of the one they crucified, but Our Father rose again, to offer humankind everlasting life.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, LORD, I give you all the glory, honor, and adoration for making me a vessel of your glorious works, Strengthened to live for Christ; looking forward to your Kingdom,

From Luke 16:15


Being a faithful servant, requires full submission and selfless service done in love, with true dedication, from a compassionate heart; for the LORD loves all who serve Him from the depths of their hearts. He who serves with a heart dedicated to one beyond himself, and a devoted spirit, will surely able to wisely use the Master's reward in due time; for our faithfulness to the LORD, and service in love to others, for the glory of the Father, counts.
Furthermore, the grace given to us as God's servants, called to uphold the truth, and proclaim the Good News to all, in love, should always be in use at all times, even as we remain steadfast to our Christ's Calling, that we as faithful Servants of God, may be deserving of more when our eternal inheritance comes. Now we hope for it, as we reject possessing anything of our own or doing our will, called while it's day, to declare His glory on Earth, and baptize others.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for the glorious call of Salvation, being of service in your Vineyard to declare the Gospel to all, for the Salvation of souls,

From Luke 16:12


As true Christians, and citizens of God's Kingdom, being Heirs of the Father and labourers in His vineyard, we should always remain just in our Earthly dealings and faithful with the little we've each been given now, that we may be deserving of His eternal reward and Divine inheritance destined for us as Overcomers in Christ Jesus. By putting the life which has been given to us into good use, for His glory, we are revealing our worthiness of receiving more, which makes the LORD to elevate us from glory to glory, as faithful Stewards of the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, let's endeavor to always remain faithful to our Christ's Calling, and never relent in believing, unto trustworthy dealings, for He who works faithfully to the end, will surely be worthy of the Crown of Glory, as beloved brethren with Christ.
PRAYER: Our Heavenly Father, thank you for granting the Grace to serve you in truth and in the Spirit, being equipped with the Holy Spirit, to remain faithful to the end, and be deserving of the Crown of Glory in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 16:10


Friendship comes with respect for one another, and being of help and support in times of greatest need. So, when choosing whom to serve in this dying world, where to tithe, and while making friends, Christians should always endeavor to consider the spiritual effects of such associations, even before we take the bold step of making the decision which may come with an effect on where eternity is spent. Also, making good friends requires Wisdom; knowing the right qualities needed, like sincerity and Truth (1 Cor 5) among believers, and who to break fellowship with for the destruction of flesh, will help you not be puffed up with sin, but grow as a Child of God, living for Christ, that you may remain a fruit-bearing branch in the True Vine.
Everyone we see met with compassion, and everything we've been given to hold loosely, is about to come to an end. Although, it's necessary to use our resources to make friends today, we should always be careful of the kind of friends we keep close, for friends are said to have similar characters as a result of the influence they have with each other. So, let's not relent in being good friends, yet be careful of whom we chose to dwell with, and how to converse with them, because wrongdoers will fade quickly, but lasting treasure is stored in Heaven, with our best friend Jesus and His Saints.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the Spirit of discernment, through the Knowledge of your Word, which helps us make lasting friendships, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us,

From Luke 16:9


Being Children of God, called, ordained, and commissioned to live for Christ and proclaim His good will toward all people, for the Salvation of their souls, we need not be wise in our own eyes; rather, we should always remain submissive to the LORD'S will, placing every one of our thoughts and decisions before Him in prayers, especially before taking any bold step concerning our lives, and those of others. This way, we are always in rightstanding with God, and true communion with the Holy Spirit, even as we remain one with Christ, fulfilling the Father's will by advancing His Kingdom through bearing fruits that remain, for His glory, in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, acting on our will, as if in the darkness, without placing God first, seeking His Wisdom, leads to making wrong decisions most of the time; for no matter how right it may seem, in selfishness, it leads to self-recognition, giving room for pride and arrogant feelings. So, let's remain faithful to our Calling in Christ, by being submissive to the Father's will, advancing His Kingdom as true Stewards of the LORD.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, O' LORD, thank you for calling me into your Glorious Light which fills me up to serve faithfully in your Vineyard, as a true Steward and vessel of your glory, in your Holy name;

From Luke 16:5-8


The true quality and nature of a faithful Disciple of Christ, is self-sacrificing; living not of one's own selfish desires, rather to fulfill the LORD'S will by taking on the life of Christ, even as he continuously proclaims the Good News of Salvation to all, bearing fruits that remain, for His glory. This unique quality and spiritually endowed nature advances God's Kingdom, even as it reveals who we are, being Christ's Disciples and ambassadors of God's Love, bearing the cross of Salvation for the redemption of souls.
Therefore, as faithful Christians, called to declare the Good News of Salvation through God's sacrifice, we should continue striving endlessly in love, with enduring hearts and compassionate spirits, forsaking complaining and overcoming every distraction that may stand in the way of our calling, as worthy Stewards and conquerors in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Heavenly LORD, and Wonderful Father, thank you for giving me the strength, through the Holy Spirit, to carry my cross and follow you in faith, with a dedicated heart and a devoted spirit, that more souls may be redeemed, for your glory, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 14:27


No matter where you find yourself, be it in a position of honor, disrespect, or authority over creation, you should always avoid seeking for self-recognition, unnecessary praise and promotion; instead, see yourself as having been given equal rights as others who are made in the very image of God. If you express His love in humility, as He formed us of dust, this will surely lead you to a greater position of honor and glory which lasts; by the blood of the Lamb, eventually being exalted above all who are arrogantly proud of themselves. 
Moreover, anyone who remains humble in the Spirit, will surely retain his or her honor, as a Child of God (Prov 29:23). So, let's avoid seeking for self-recognition and soaring in pity or praise from others, which only leads to a greater fall from the highest heights, yet as we continue to live on our knees before God and human-kind alike, acting in love; graced in true humility, we will always remain exalted, not by word only, but as ambassadors, positioned beside Jesus Christ, our LORD of Lords.
PRAYER: in Jesus' name, Heavenly Father, thank you for granting us humble hearts through the understanding of your Word, the Son of God, by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, who leads us through the crowds, to a position of greatness and glory, as citizens of Your Heavenly Kingdom;

From Luke 14:10-11


As the gospel of Christ spreads, daily reaching more souls who are redeemed and restored to life, for God's glory, this advances God's Kingdom, sending more labourers to harvest His Vineyard, through the conversion of souls around the world, and discipleship of them, to bear more fruits for the Kingdom. Yet, this should be done in humility, for a true Leader like Jesus', is a servant to all whom he gladly guides.

Moreover, every edifying position of authority comes with trials, challenging the strength of our faith, such as pride, which leads to the downfall of many puffed up as great and mighty, by men; still, submitted to Christ, with the enduring compassion to mourn now, with those who weep, we are destined for the greatest glory in God's Kingdom. So let's endeavor to always remain humble, seeing our fellow brethren in Christ, whom we have been temporarily made to lead, as our equals, in the presence of Almighty God, that our meekness on Earth may open the position of grace and glory to us, in God's Kingdom above.

PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for placing us in different positions of leadership-service, to fulfill our Christ's Calling in humility, that we may remain Heirs of your Kingdom, as the first and not the last, in Jesus' mighty name;


From Luke 13:30


Living without God's Word in his heart, Jesus Christ, makes a man spiritually empty, and prone to attacks from the kingdom of present darkness, and forces of the wicked one. The Divine presence of God is made manifest through the Holy Spirit, which fills our bellies as living water, guides our souls in Love, and strengthens our spirits over fleshly weakness, that we may remain safely kept in the hands of God, dwelling in the abundance of His Grace, Love and Mercy, being highly favored to live for His glory, yet striving here as Christ Jesus, who is our Blessed Redeemer. This makes us untouchable before the agents of darkness, and able to withstand God's fire, since we are always elevated as Lights. Because of the glory of God, which serves as a protective shield around us, revealing the presence of Christ in us through the Holy Spirit, who bears witness of our Divine inheritance, our Comforter may always remain with us, guiding us, as we are equally yoked with the most meek King, giving us a better understanding of God's Word, even as we are being filled with the Wisdom to live by it; for His presence reveals the person of Christ, who is in us, around us, and ever with us. He alone makes us spiritually aligned, and Strengthened in this life as well, to overcome every seemingly impossible challenge, with a greater character inside. So, let's hold on to the feet of Christ Jesus, until we see face-to-face, leaning on Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith, and in fellowship with one another, we will never be spiritually empty.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD of Lords; Jesus Christ, I will lift up Your Holy Name, seeking your presence in my life, which fills me up for your glory, that I may continue to live a life worthy of your Kingdom;

From Luke 13:35


Every Christian needs to be faithfully active by working and living in God's Word, not just by meditating and affirming it to oneself alone; still, we have to continuously move ahead, taking the knowledge of the gospel of Christ to the reach of all, searching through the sea and fields, fishing and seeking for souls who need redemption, that we may remain spiritually and faithfully active, bearing fruits that remain, for God's glory, in Christ Jesus. Gaining souls for Christ and nurturing them develops our Faith, making it to grow, even as we become more fruitful in the Lord's Vineyard; converting souls, and discipling them for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
So, let's not relent in our faithful service to the LORD, even as we work in love, to remain fruitful for His glory, being readily prepared for the final harvest, as labourers in His Vineyard, waiting patiently for the Master's coming.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for nurishing me in your Vineyard, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to reach more souls, bearing fruits that remains for your glory in Jesus' mighty name;

From Luke 13:6-9


Always endeavor to live peaceably with all, and never relent in reconciling with anyone whom you've offended, before it's too late, that you may be found innocent before God and men. Also, you shouldn't be hasty in taking your case before a worldly judge nor start any argument, but extend favor, that you might not be found guilty before the law (Proverbs 25:8). Jesus didn't fight with any human, but while we were still sinners, gave His life up.
Moreover, living generously with one another, and making the effort now, brings about progress, as a result of the bond of love and unity. So, let's endeavor to encourage peaceful co-existence among ourselves, for it's always pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1-3).
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jehovah shalom; the God of peace, thank you for the Spirit of reconciliation, by which our ears are restored through hearing your Word, Jesus Christ, in the stillness, this day, that we may continue to live peaceably with all in Jesus' Holy name, forever;

From Luke 12:56-57


The nature of hypocrites is basically to take on the character of the Accuser, to condemn others of that which they know within their hearts that they are primarily guilty of; for they proclaim self-righteousness in public, yet they are not pure in heart, and their hands are defiled with dirt accumulated through their deceptive ways. Though they never fail to point an accusing finger at others, with more fingers pointing back, pretending their wrong deeds are kept hidden in their secret closet; like a skeleton, they will surely be exposed in short time, "for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed." (Luke 12:2)
We each know what is right and evil; yet, deceived, liars and cowards chose to accommodate that which is unholy only for their selfish, short-term gain, of fear and pride. So, let's not be actors for a changing audience, rather we ourselves should be fired up to make the difficult changes now, and continue embracing and proving the Truth of God's Word, by living humbly repentant, in Faithful and True, that we may remain abounding in His Grace, Love and Mercy, even as we remain in rightstanding with God, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Son who brings us the Spirit of discernment, that we may not only know right from wrong, but also be Holy, as we embrace the Truth of the Gospel; not being hypocrites, yet living wisely by faith, for the Salvation of our souls, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:56-57


We all should continue laying up our treasures for God, towards eternity in His Heavenly Kingdom above, and not only to aquire worldly possessions, which can distract one's attention from his Divine Calling. By him choosing to be obsessed with accumulating and possessive over his acquired possessions and position, thereby one is forsaking his Divine purpose, which is to live in the righteousness of Christ Jesus, fulfilling the will of the Father in love and compassionate deeds for others, in order to advance His Kingdom by bearing fruits for His glory. This makes many who gather treasures for themselves to be spiritually poor and too weak to continue wrestling for the Salvation of souls, and because of focusing on what is seen, sometimes one loses track of their Calling as a vessel of God. 
Therefore, let's endeavor to live a life of self-sacrifice, by living the life of Christ and remaining dedicated to fulfill the Father's will as brethren with Christ, striving always to gather treasures in Heaven, and not on Earth, for, "what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives, through your Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which has made us realize the truth; that laying up treasures on Earth profits nothing, yet as we sacrifice all for the sake of Salvation in Christ Jesus, we will receive eternal rewards in the comfort of God's Kingdom, in Your mighty name; Amen. 

From Luke 12:16-21


Be content; satisfied with all the LORD has blessed you with, for as long as you appreciate God's love and favors shown to you, by making good use of your life, for His glory, He will continue to bless and multiply every one of your endeavors, and grace them with more opportunities to progress, being productive both spiritually and physically. So, we need not to be covetous, wanting to take that which belongs to another nor desiring their position; for, "'Godliness with contentment is great gain," because God blesses, favors and protects all who are pleased with that which He provides for them, into eternity.
Moreover, accumulation of more wealth, power and riches accommodates temptation which leads to the destructive fall of many, whereas dispersing lovingly to those in need, and receiving gratefully what is freely shared, allows for plenty of friendship and greater rewards in the life to come. For these reasons, we need to be content with the abundance we have, giving thanks to the LORD for all He has done; for, He never ceases to bless and favor all who truly appreciate Him.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, our God, we praise and glorify your name, for you always meet us at the point of our needs, providing all that we need in due time, that we may remain sustained in your grace, lacking nothing as Sons and Daughters of God, being Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:15


Each secret deed of everyman is uncovered by YHWH, for He is the Omniscient God, who knows thoughts and sees the motivation behind every single act, keeping account of them for the day of judgement. With this, we are rest-assured that the LORD is watching over us, keeping records of our open and secret utterances.

So, we mustn't relent in our faithfulness to the LORD, being in communion with the Holy Spirit at all times, that we may continue to live in the righteousness of Christ, to fulfill the Father's will, by advancing His Kingdom as true ambassadors of Christ.

PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for you see and know the thoughts of our hearts. Please let the words of our mouths, and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, our strength and our Redeemer.

From Luke 12:2-3


Be watchful and avoid accepting doctrines that are against the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, which are mostly hypocritical in nature. These false teachings and unnecessary doctrines are basically instituted for ceremonial worship, mostly influenced by one's self-centered and selfish desires to make oneself appear justified before other people, through upholding their pretentious acts of religiousity temporarily, yet inwardly, the opposite of what is being claimed, is stored; false self-righteousness as dirt, and they become defiled from within their hearts, giving no room for the Holy Spirit to dwell in them.
So, let's endeavor to always allow the Word of God to be our guide, even as we live the life of Christ, in order to fulfill the Father's will and the purpose of our Divine Calling; to advance His Kingdom, bearing fruits for His glory, as Heirs of the Father, who rewards what is done in secret.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for you are The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and no one comes to the Father, except through you; for as we abide by your Word, and you in us, we're rest assured that we will never be deceived into accepting false teachings, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:1


The establishment of unnecessary and deceptive doctrines comes as a result of the self-seeking intentions involved in the works influenced by the devil; such false teachers, antichrists, and Ministers, who are blinded with arrogant desires to attain greater fame and undeserving honor, as a result of accommodating their lust, and pride, have allowed hearts of fat flesh to treasure things which are far from the Heavenly Kingdom. Those who are not in line with God's commandments, and the teachings of Christ, summarized as love of God and to mankind, hinder many, who ignorantly accept them, but become barred from the true knowledge of God's Kingdom, and Salvation by faith, only in Christ Jesus. There is no other Way to enter into Life everlasting, although we can agree that many paths may divert ones attention off from the Highway of Holiness; information of the head hinders Wisdom, which always was with YHWH, slaying the strays who see selfishly.
Worshipping the LORD in The Spirit and Truth, will keep us closer with Our Comforter, than followers of fantastical knowledge, who are more concerned with being ceremonially correct in their worship, which is not required of us as pure vessels of God, than communing spiritually, as those Called to declare and advance His Kingdom.
As Christians therefore, we need to be watchful, not only to enter by the narrow door Yeshua, who holds the keys, but also, by rejecting that which is against the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, we release people who we once fellowshipped with, who reject Truth, yet lie to us as themselves, that we may not be deceived, yet remain in rightstanding with God, for the Salvation of our souls, and building up of His Church.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the Salvation found in Christ Jesus, freely given to us for the redemption of our souls, that we may truly live for your glory, rebuking every false teaching coming from the pit of hell, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 11:52


Listening and meditating on the Word of God, Jesus Christ, helps us realize the Truth, set apart from facts and fiction, making everyone who...